Select the bullets in the list by clicking a bullet. The text won't appear selected. Right-click, and then selectAdjust List Indents. Change the distance of the bullet indent from the margin by selecting the arrows in theBullet positionbox or change the distance between the bullet and the ...
BulletsAndNumberingClassic button BulletsGalleryWord 画廊 取消 button CaptionInsert button CaptionInsertWord button CellsDelete button CellsInsertDialog button ChangeCase button ChangeCaseDialogClassic button ChangeCaseGallery 画廊 ChangeStylesMenu 菜单 CharacterBorder toggleButton CharacterLeft button CharacterLeftExt...
Whether you have your list complete or you’re still adding items to it, you can change the indent at any time. You can adjust the indent for both bulleted and numbered lists. Select the bullets or numbers in the list. You can do this by clicking any one of them, which highlights the...
Choose to move the indent to the left or the right. Choose to apply these changes to Only in this document or New documents based on this template. To change more formatting settings, click Format and choose Font, Numbering, Text effects, and so forth. Click OK. Turn...
Specify a value for where to start the alignment and a value for the text indent. To apply these values to the entire list, chooseSet for All Levels. Enter a value for what should follow each number,Tab character,Space, orNothing. CheckAdd tab stop atand enter a valu...
Word PowerPoint Word Do any of the following: Change the style, color, or font size of bullets Select the bulleted list that you want to format. On theHometab, in theParagraphgroup, click the arrow next toBullets , and then clickDefine New Bullet. ...
- unchecking/rechecking the "Set left- and first indent with tabs and backspace" (and restarted Word in-between each setting change) - ran theMicrosoft repair tool - uninstalled the entire 365 suite and reinstalled (twice), using the uninstaller tool ...
Unlike numbered lists, bullet lists let you lay out several points in no particular order. This gives you a good way to list products, summaries, tasks, and other items in a clean format. In Microsoft Word, you can add bullets and customize the options.
Bullets and numbering With Word for the web, you can apply your choice of bullet or numbering styles. Click the Increase Indent or Decrease Indent buttons to change the list level for existing lists in the document, as well as those created in the Word desktop app. ...
Define new bullets, numbers, and multilevel lists Change the indent between a list bullet or number and text We're listening! Was this article helpful? If so, please let us know at the bottom of this page. If it wasn't helpful, let us know what was...