How to Apply Strikethrough Formatting to Text Applying strikethrough formatting is pretty easy. Start by selecting the text you want to strike through. You can do this by clicking and dragging over the text (or just double-clicking a word), but when you do this, Word likes to select the s...
One may ask why anyone would use the strikethrough feature instead of just deleting the text. There are several reasons for this: Sometimes, more than one person may be working on a word document at once. Because of this, they may make changes to the same document and keep forwarding it ...
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll 如此如果字体的格式设置为带删除线的文本。 返回True、False或wdUndefined(true和False) 的混合。 可以设置为真、假或wdToggle。Integer型,可读/写。 C# publicintStrikeThrough {get;set; } 属性值 Int32 注解 若要设置或返回双删除线格式,请使用DoubleStrikeThrough属性。
expression.StrikeThrough expression 必需。该表达式返回一个 Font 对象。 说明 使用DoubleStrikeThrough 属性可设置或返回双删除线格式。 示例 本示例为活动文档中的前三个单词设置删除线格式。 Set myDoc = ActiveDocument Set myRange = myDoc.Range(Start:=myDoc.Words(1).Start, _ End:=myDoc.Words(3).End...
Your selected cell now has the strikethrough effect applied to it. And that's how you check things off in your Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Very handy! You canstrikethrough text in Microsoft Word, too. Related:How to Draw a Line Through Words in Microsoft Word...
How to Strikethrough Text in Word Tech Support How to Make Lines on WordPad Double Line Format Text tab and then click the small arrow-shaped icon in the Font group. Advertisement Step 2 Image Credit: Check the box next toDouble strikethroughand then clickOK....
Strikethrough Subscript Superscript Color Size Adjust page margins Adjusting margins on the page gives you more or less blank space between the content of your document and the edges of the page. By default, Word Starter sets all margins at one inch. Narrower margins fit more content on the pa...
StrikeThrough 屬性會傳回 True、False 或wdUndefined (True 及False 的混合)。 可以設為 True、 False 或wdToggle。 若要設定或傳回雙刪除線格式設定,請使用 DoubleStrikeThrough 屬性。 範例 本範例會將刪除線格式設定套用至使用中文件的前三個字。 VB 複製 Set myDoc = ActiveDocument Set myRange = myDoc...
Font.StrikeThrough 属性 (Word) Microsoft Learn Challenge Nov 23, 2024 – Jan 10, 2025 立即注册 消除警报 Learn 登录 本文原文为英文,已针对你所在市场进行了翻译。 你对所用语言的质量的满意度如何? NameAscii NameBi NameFarEast NameOther NumberForm...
It seems sensible that you should be able to strike through text and numbers in Excel as the strikethrough is a traditional formatting technique that mimics con