Create different headers or footers for odd and even pages Add the file name, date, author or other document properties to a header or footer Add images to a header or footer Page numbering in Word Other resources LinkedIn Learning: Use headers, footers, and page numbering ...
在Microsoft Word 中,页眉(Header)和页脚(Footer)是位于页面顶部和底部的区域,可以用来添加页码、日期、文件名、章节标题等信息。它们能够在整个文档或特定部分中重复出现。为了更好地管理页眉和页脚,Word 提供了许多选项,其中之一就是Link to Previous(链接到前一节)。 Link to Previous选项的主要功能是将当前节的页...
在Microsoft Word 中,页眉(Header)和页脚(Footer)是位于页面顶部和底部的区域,可以用来添加页码、日期、文件名、章节标题等信息。它们能够在整个文档或特定部分中重复出现。为了更好地管理页眉和页脚,Word 提供了许多选项,其中之一就是Link to Previous(链接到前一节)。 Link to Previous选项的主要功能是将当前节的页...
To add an image to a header or footerSeeAdd images to a header or footer. When you're done, selectClose Header and Footeror press Esc. For more on headers and footers, seeHeaders and footers in Word. You’re invited to try Microsoft 365 for free ...
什么是 Header & Footer 设置里的 Link to Previous 选项? 在Microsoft Word 中,页眉(Header)和页脚(Footer)是位于页面顶部和底部的区域,可以用来添加页码、日期、文件名、章节标题等信息。它们能够在整个文档或特定部分中重复出现。为了更好地管理页眉和页脚,Word 提供了许多选项,其中之一就是Link to Previous(链接...
Word 2003 Header and Footer A D V E R T I S E M E N T WordHeader and Footerallow you to insert information at the top or bottom of every page. This information normally consists of chapter headings, page number, etc. You can see header and footer information on your screen when in...
Text Else MsgBox "Footer is empty" End If End With 备注 [!注释] 您不能添加到 HeadersFooters 集合的 HeaderFooter 对象。使用页眉 (索引) 或页脚 (索引) ,其中 index 是 wdHeaderFooterEvenPages、wdHeaderFooterFirstPage 或wdHeaderFooterPrimary) 的 WdHeaderFooterIndex (常量之一,可返回单个 Header...
Format header text To close the header or footer, under theHeader & Footertab, click theClose Header and Footerbutton. Or, double-click outside the header or footer. Close the Microsoft Word header or footer Note: When the header or footer is closed, it's locked and can't be edited. ...
True 是表示 如果指定之的 HeaderFooter 物件,標頭。 唯讀的 Boolean。語法expression。 IsHeader表達 會傳回 'HeaderFooter' 物件的運算式。範例本範例會選取頁尾並新增頁碼。VB 複製 With ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View .Type = wdPrintView .SeekView = wdSeekCurrentPageHeader End With If ...
This tutorial shows how to insert headers and footers on specific pages in Microsoft Word. For example, you may want to have a different header and footer for each chapter in your document. The bonus section at the end shows how to remove the header and footer from the first page of the...