Word) (TableOfFigures.Caption 属性 项目 2023/04/07 6 个参与者 反馈 本文内容 语法 备注 示例 另请参阅 返回或设置标识要包含在图表目录中项目的标签。 读/写 String。语法表达式。标题表达 一个代表“TableOfFigures”集合的变量。备注该属性对应于 TOC 域的 \c 开关。
Pro Tip:Most of our primary style guides recommend placing a period after the figure or table number. However, Word doesn’t provide a way to add that period automatically, so remember to add it manually as you type each caption. Figure 14. Caption text box See “How to Write Figure Ca...
Word 程序集: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll 返回或设置标识要包含在图表目录中项目的标签。 C# 复制 public string Caption { get; set; } 属性值 String 注解 Caption 属性对应于 TOC 字段的 \c 开关。 要将应用程序窗口的题注改为默认文本,请将该属性设置为空字符串("")。 适用于 产品版本...
Step 2: Add chapter numbers to captions Select the object (table, equation, figure, or another object) that you want to add a caption to. On theReferencestab, in theCaptionsgroup, clickInsert Caption. In theLabellist, select the label that best describes the object, such as a...
CaptionLabels.Add Name:="Photo" 使用CaptionLabels (索引) (其中 index 是标题标签名称或索引号)可返回单个 CaptionLabel 对象。 下面的示例设置图形题注标签的编号样式。VB 复制 CaptionLabels("Figure").NumberStyle = _ wdCaptionNumberStyleLowercaseLetter 索引号代表 CaptionLabels 集合中的题注标签的位置。
Sub alttext() Dim shp As InlineShape Dim doc As Document Set doc = ActiveDocument For Each shp In doc.InlineShapes If shp.Width >= InchesToPoints(2) And shp.Height >= InchesToPoints(1) Then shp.AlternativeText = "Figure. Caption." Else shp.Decorative = True End If Next shp End Sub...
Add, format, or delete captions in Word You can add captions to figures, equations, or other objects. A caption is a numbered label, such as "Figure 1", that you can add to a figure, a table, an equation, or another object. It's comprised of customizable text ("Figure"...
Add text that describes the image (e.g., “Figure 1: Experimental Apparatus”) and click “OK.” This will make a caption appear in the chosen position. If you want to add a caption to something in the document other than an embedded image, position the cursor where you want to captio...
Position選用Variant會指定上方或下方選取項目是否會插入標號。 可以是WdCaptionPosition常數之一。 ExcludeLabel選用VariantTrue 是表示不包含文字標籤、 Label 參數中所定義。False會包含指定的標籤。 範例 這個範例會在插入點插入 Figure 標號。 VB Selection.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseStart Selection.InsertCaption Labe...
需要expression。 代表 'CaptionLabel' 物件的變數。 範例 這則範例會插入一個圖表標號,其中在章節編號與序號之間具有一個冒號 (:)。 VB WithCaptionLabels("Figure") .Separator = wdSeparatorColon .IncludeChapterNumber =TrueEndWithSelection.InsertCaption"Figure" ...