如果文档包含修订,请使用Word中的建议会减慢或停止响应(如果存在过多的修订或注释)来解决问题。 如果收到如下错误之一,请使用注册表策略设置阻止文件时 Office 中的错误消息中的建议: 你正在尝试打开注册表策略设置阻止的文件。 您正在尝试打开文件类型“文件类型>”,该文件类型<已被信任中心中的“文件阻止”设置阻止...
當您嘗試開啟 Microsoft Office Excel 或 Microsoft Office Word 先前無法開啟的檔案時,您可能會收到下列錯誤訊息: asciidoc 複製 The document 'Filename' caused a serious error the last time it was opened. Would you like to continue opening it? You may receive this message every time you try to...
It is common for this error message to appear after an update or when a problem arises during the saving process. If your computer loses power or crashes while you're saving a file or while MS Word is writing to the disk, there's a big chance that the file may get damaged. Malfunctio...
您嘗試開啟以舊版 Microsoft Office 建立的檔案。 登錄原則設定已禁止您使用此版本來開啟此檔案類型。 You are attempting to save a file that is blocked by your registry policy setting. (您嘗試儲存由登錄原則設定封鎖的檔案類型。) 您嘗試在信任中心儲存檔案區塊設定封鎖的文件類型><。解決...
We use optional cookies to improve your experience on our websites, such as through social media connections, and to display personalized advertising based on your online activity. If you reject optional cookies, only cookies necessary to provide you the services will be used. You may change your...
首先,右键单击出现问题的 Word 文件,然后单击"属性"。 单击"取消阻止",完成后,单击"确定"。 (注意:正常工作的 Word 文件未显示"取消阻止") 。 下一步,应该能够打开此文件,而不会进一步出现问题。 如果在许多文件中遇到此问题,可以尝试以下步骤:首先,将这些文件移动到同一文件夹中,打开 Word 20...
Word: Word experienced an error trying to open the file Excel: This file is corrupt and cannot be opened PowerPoint: one of the following: The application was unable to start correctly PowerPoint found a problem with <filename> Sorry, PowerPoint can’t...
Sorry something went wrong - File not found Sorry, we couldn't open your file using this feature. Visio Web Access is not available on this site. Sorry, we couldn't open...Error opening office documents from SharePoint 2013 in the desktop applications ...
2. How do I access a not-opening Word document on Mac? The best way to reopen the corrupted Word documents on Mac is to apply EaseUS Fixo Document Repair: Step 1.Run this Word repair tool on Mac and click "File Repair", and add corrupted Word files. ...
Check for Backups: If you have backup copies of the file, try opening one of those to see if it's not corrupted. Revert to a Previous Version: If the file is saved on a network or cloud location, some services allow you to revert to a previous version of the file. Check if your...