Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word 程序集: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll 返回或设置指定TabStop对象的前导符。 C# publicMicrosoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdTabLeader Leader {get;set; } 属性值 WdTabLeader 注解 WdTabLeader可以是其中一个WdTabLeader常量。
To add a dot leader, or dotted line, between each entry and its page number, click theTab leaderlist, and then click the dotted line. You can also choose a dash leader. To change the overall appearance of your Table of Contents, click theFormatslist, and then...
In the Table of Contents dialog box, click the dropdown for the Tab leader list and select the dotted line option. Alternatively, choose the leader line you want or select “none” to remove it from the TOC. 5. Add a non-heading style Word won’t include a non-heading style when it...
OpenXml.Wordprocessing アセンブリ: DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll パッケージ: DocumentFormat.OpenXml v3.0.1 TabStopLeaderCharValues 列挙型を定義します。 C# コピー public readonly struct TabStopLeaderCharValues : DocumentFormat.OpenXml.IEnumValue, DocumentFormat.OpenXml.IEnumValueFactory<...
全部显示 返回或设置指定 TabStop 对象的前导字符。WdTabLeader,可读写。 WdTabLeader 可以是下列 WdTabLeader 常量之一: wdTabLeaderDashes wdTabLeaderDots wdTabLeaderHeavy wdTabLeaderLines wdTabLeaderMiddleDot wdTabLeaderSpaces expression.Leader expression 必需。该表达式返回一个 TabStop 对象。
wdDialogInsertMergeField 167 MergeField 和 WordField wdDialogInsertNumber 812 NumPic wdDialogInsertObject 172 IconNumber、FileName、Link、DisplayIcon、Tab、Class、IconFileName、Caption、Floating wdDialogInsertPageNumbers 294 Type、Position、FirstPage wdDialogInsertPicture 163 Name、LinkToFile、New、FloatOver...
Word 中的许多内置对话框都有你可能想要设置的选项。 若要设置或返回与 Word 对话框关联的属性,请使用等效的 Visual Basic 属性和方法。 例如,如果要打印文档,请使用 VBA PrintOut 方法。 The following code prints the current document using the Print dialog box default settings. 但是,如果不想在打印对话框...
{\n word-break: break-word;\n padding: 0.5rem 0;\n margin: 0;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n.custom_widget_MicrosoftFooter_c-uhff-base_f95yq_94 {\n background: #f2f2f2;\n margin: 0 auto;\n max-width: calc(100rem + 10%);\n padding: 1.875rem 5% 1r...
\tbN Bar tab position in twips from the left margin. \tldot Leader dots. \tlmdot Leader middle dots. \tlhyph Leader hyphens. \tlul Leader underline. \tlth Leader thick line. \tleq Leader equal sign.Bullets and NumberingWord 6.0/95 RTFTo...
public Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdTabLeader TabLeader { get; set; } Property Value WdTabLeader Remarks WdTabLeader can be one of these WdTabLeader constants. wdTabLeaderDashes wdTabLeaderDots wdTabLeaderHeavy wdTabLeaderLines wdTabLeaderMiddleDot wdTabLeaderSpaces Applies...