终止对已使用 SendForReview 方法发送以供审阅的文件的审阅,或者通过在电子邮件中向其他用户发送文档来自动放入审阅周期的文件的审阅。语法expression. EndReview表达式是必需的。 一个代表 Document 对象的变量。备注在执行时, EndReview 方法将显示一条消息,询问用户是否要结束审阅。
expression.EndReview 需要expression。 代表Document物件的變數。 註解 執行,EndReview方法就會顯示訊息,詢問使用者是否要結束檢閱。 範例 這則範例會終止使用中文件的檢閱。 此範例會假設使用中文件屬於檢閱循環的一部分。 VB SubEndDocRev() ActiveDocument.EndReviewEndSub ...
Word) (Document.SendForReview 方法 文章 07/04/2023 6 位參與者 意見反映 在此文章 語法 參數 註解 範例 另請參閱 在電子郵件訊息中傳送檔,供指定的收件者檢閱。 語法 運算式。 SendForReview( _Recipients_ , _Subject_ , _ShowMessage_ , _IncludeAttachment_ ) 需要expression。 代表 Document...
附註:此功能目前僅適用於 Word 網頁版 如果您在 美國、已為您的UI選擇英文,以及已選取英文文件內容。 隨著我們持續改進,此功能可能有所變更。 使用[指導] 來檢閱內容 登入Microsoft 365。 開啟Word 網頁版 或開啟已在 Word 網頁版 中建立的文件。 醒目提示一段文字或整份文件。 ...
I like the Cloud syncing feature and its mobile view makes words easier to read. But mobile view seems to be buggy because every time I want to move my writing cursor by tapping the screen, the entire file jumps to another section in my 1000-word document. Sometimes the text disappear wh...
Word opens a new document that combines the original document and the copy you identified to merged with it. The screen is divided into three sections. The left section shows theRevisionsmade,the middle section shows thecombined document, and the right section --which is split in two, sho...
UnderOriginal document, click the down arrow and choose the document you sent for review. If you need to browse to the file's location, click the folder icon. Remember, this is the original document that you worked on without any changes or modifications. ...
With shared attachments connected to Document Workspace sites, and the shared task pane, each co-author working on their own computer is prompted when the document has been changed by others, and is given the opportunity to review the changes or contribute their own in real time as shown inFi...
4.3K Ratings r_k_b_blobby,10/04/2023 Best word processing software I've been using this as long as i can remember. So far i've had some bumps here and there. But so far it's very reliable to use. I am a Mac user and adding more fonts to the MS Word app would come in hand...
终止对某个文件的审阅,该文件已经发送以进行审阅(通过使用 SendForReview 方法),或者已经自动置于审阅阶段(通过以电子邮件形式将文档发送给另一个用户)。命名空间: Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word 程序集: Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.v4.0.Utilities(在 Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.v4.0.Utilities.dll 中)...