Word 中的许多内置对话框都有你可能想要设置的选项。 若要设置或返回与 Word 对话框关联的属性,请使用等效的 Visual Basic 属性和方法。 例如,如果要打印文档,请使用 VBA PrintOut 方法。 The following code prints the current document using the Print dialog box default settings. 但是,如果不想在打印对话框...
CommentsColor 返回或设置一个WdColorIndex常量,该常量表示文档中的批注的颜色。读/写。 ConfirmConversions 如此如果 Word 显示转换文件对话框之前在打开或者插入一个非 Word 文档或模板的文件。在转换文件对话框中,用户可以选择要转换的文件格式。读/写boolean 类型的值。
如此 如果 Microsoft Word检查拼写时检查语法。 CheckHangulEndings 如果Microsoft Word 自动检测朝鲜文字结尾,并在将朝鲜文字转换为朝鲜文汉字过程中忽略朝鲜文字结尾,则该属性值为 True。 CheckSpellingAsYouType 如此 如果Microsoft Word 检查拼写和键入时自动标记错误。 CommentsColor 返回或设置一个 WdColorIndex 常...
雖然我們建議您使用 VBA 關鍵字來取得或設定對話方塊選項的值,不過許多內建 Word 對話方塊都具有一些引數,可讓您用來取得或設定對話方塊的值。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱顯示Word 內建對話方塊。展開表格 WdWordDialog 常數引數清單 wdDialogConnect 磁片磁碟機、 路徑、 密碼 wdDialogConsistencyChecker (無) wd...
Word for Microsoft 365Word 2024Word 2021Word 2019Word 2016Word 2013 DisplayBarcode is used to insert a standard bar code into a document. It supports 10 different types of barcode. Depending on the one you choose, the barcode type accepts alphanumeric data of different formats and lengths. As...
Developer tab is not available on Word online, in addition when editing a generated document it is recommended to use the Word desktop client. Template creation in Word for Mac is not supported. DisplayBarcode field codes are not supported for the Convert to PDF action. SharePoint On-Premises...
Microsoft Word offers several methods for creating labels, each suited to different needs and skill levels. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of each approach. Method 1: Built-in Label Templates Word’s built-in templates provide the fastest way to create standard labels. This method works best ...
Moves the cursor back one word.CTRL+RIGHT ARROWMoves the cursor forward one word.HOMEMoves the cursor to the beginning of the line.ENDMoves the cursor to the end of the line.ESCClears the command from the display.F1Copies one character from the template to the MS-DOS command line. (The...
Microsoft Word Word.Application Word.DocumentThis table provides version-independent PROGIDs. You should note that Office applications have version-dependent PROGIDs as well. For example, Excel 97 has Excel.Application.8 and Excel 2000 has Excel.Application.9. You can use these PROGIDs in your Au...
Update the linked information in a Word source document. Ctrl+Shift+F7 Update the selected fields. F9 Unlink a field. Ctrl+Shift+F9 Switch between a selected field code and its result. Shift+F9 Switch between all field codes and their results. Alt+F9 Run GOTOBUTTON or MACROBUTTON ...