在Word 中将文档设为只读 如果不希望内容审阅者意外修改你的文档,可在发送文档供审阅前将其设为只读。 另一种方法是限制格式和编辑。 将文档设为只读意味读者只能阅读或复制文档,而不能修改文档。 如果某个审阅人员试图修改只读文件,则只能通过重命名文档或将文档保存到其他位置来保存更改。 注意:将文档设为只读不...
Change the viewing mode You can switch from View only to other modes granted by the document owner (Editing, Reviewing). Select the Viewing tab to open the options. Select Editing or Reviewing. Note: The only options that can be selected are the one(s) that the document owner has ...
expression。ReadOnlyRecommended 表達代表Document物件的變數。 範例 這個範例會將 Word 設定為在開啟文件時,建議以唯讀方式開啟文件。 VB ActiveDocument.ReadOnlyRecommended =True 另請參閱 Document 物件 支援和意見反應 有關於 Office VBA 或這份文件的問題或意見反應嗎? 如需取得支援服務並提供意見反應的相關指導,...
命名空间: Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word 程序集: Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.v4.0.Utilities(在 Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.v4.0.Utilities.dll 中) Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word(在 Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.dll 中)语法C# 复制 bool ReadOnly { get; } ...
如果无论用户何时打开文档,Microsoft Word 都显示一个消息框,提示以只读方式打开,则该属性值为 True。读/写 Boolean。语法expression。 ReadOnlyRecommended表达 一个代表 Document 对象的变量。示例本示例的功能如下:在打开文档时,Word 建议以只读方式打开。
2. Check the box next to"Read-only", and click onOK. When the Word document is marked as read only by this way, it can be edited by anyone, but can't be saved as the same name on the same location. If you want to make change to this document, you can open the Properties of...
HOW TO CHANGE STATUS ON OUTLOOK.COM how to change the default program to open picture attachments in outlook 2010? How to change title bar back to standard grey on Microsoft Office 365 Word, Excel, Powerpoint (v. 16.20) for Mac? How to choose which categories to display? How to Close ....
如果无论用户何时打开文档,Microsoft Word 都显示一个消息框,提示以只读方式打开,则该属性值为True。 读/写Boolean。 语法 expression。ReadOnlyRecommended 表达一个代表Document对象的变量。 示例 本示例的功能如下:在打开文档时,Word 建议以只读方式打开。
Another reason Word may open your documents in read-only mode is if you’ve previously configured it to open all your email attachments in reading view. Here’s how to change that. Step 1:Open Microsoft Word and click theFilemenu at the top left. ...
Customizable Interface:WPS Office Writer's interface can be customized to suit your preferences. You can change the theme, font size, and layout to make it more comfortable for you to work in. Compatibility with Microsoft Office:WPS Office Writer can open and edit Microsoft Word documents, makin...