DN attribute disappeared from users details DNS _sites shows entries of demoted sites and DCs DNS - (same as parent folder) - issue and question... DNS 6004 Error DNS A Record Add Button is GREY OUT DNS after DCPromo DNS aging and DHCP lease DNS Alias used for SMB share faile - SPN ...
We fixed an issue where Office add-ins disappeared from the ribbon. We fixed an issue that caused some users to see no search results in Org Explorer. We fixed an issue that caused Outlook to take longer to boot than expected. We fixed an issue that caused users with on premise mailboxe...
We fixed an issue where Office add-ins disappeared from the ribbon. We fixed an issue that affected all-day meetings with a reminder on the day of. The meeting didn't open, and an error message was displayed. We fixed an issue that caused the following symptoms: ...
We fixed an issue where Office add-ins disappeared from the ribbon. We fixed an issue that affected all-day meetings with a reminder on the day of. The meeting didn't open, and an error message was displayed. We fixed an issue that caused the following sympto...
A suite of Microsoft productivity software that supports common business tasks, including word processing, email, presentations, and data management and analysis.
We fixed an issue where Office add-ins disappeared from the ribbon. We fixed an issue that affected all-day meetings with a reminder on the day of. The meeting did not open, and an error message was displayed. We fixed an issue that caused the following symptoms: Users...
We fixed an issue where Office add-ins disappeared from the ribbon. We fixed an issue that affected all-day meetings with a reminder on the day of. The meeting didn't open, and an error message was displayed. We fixed an issue that caused the following symptoms: ...
Welcome to the Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise discussion space! Discuss best practices, share tips & tricks, and...
The callee (the server, not the server application) is not available and disappeared; all connections are invalid. The call might have executed. 0x80010008 RPC_E_CLIENT_DIED The caller (client) disappeared while the callee (server) was processing a call. 0x80010009 RPC_E_INVALID_DATAPACKET...
The callee (the server, not the server application) is not available and disappeared; all connections are invalid. The call did not execute. 0x80010100 RPC_E_SYS_CALL_FAILED System call failed. 0x80010101 RPC_E_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Could not allocate some required resource (such as memory or...