The Combo Box lets people add their own custom entries in addition to those provided in the drop-down list. You can treat a Combo Box like a fillable form and type whatever you want. Unlike the Combo Box, a Drop-Down List cannot be used as a form field in Microsoft Word. To add a...
You don’t have to make a long,fillable form in Microsoft Wordto take advantage of form controls. You may have just one or two spots where you want to add something like a drop down list. This allows you or your reader to select an item from your choices. It can help eliminate error...
private System.Collections.Generic.List <Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.DropDownListContentControl> dropDownControls; private void CreateDropDownListControlsFromNativeControls() { if (this.ContentControls.Count <= 0) return; dropDownControls = new System.Collections.Generic.List <Microsoft.Office.To...
DropDown将 属性与 FormField 对象一起使用可返回 DropDown 对象。 索引号表示窗体字段在集合中 FormFields 的位置。 Add(Range, WdFieldType)将 方法与 FormFields 集合一起使用可添加下拉窗体字段。 属性 展开表 Application 返回一个 Application 对象,该对象代表 Microsoft Word 应用程序。 Creator 返回一个 ...
DropDown.ListEntries 属性 (Word) 项目 2023/04/07 6 个参与者 反馈 本文内容 语法 备注 示例 另请参阅 返回一个 ListEntries 集合,代表 下拉列表 对象中的所有项。 语法 expression。 ListEntries 表达 返回“DropDown”对象的表达式。 备注 有关返回集合的单个成员的信息,请参阅 从集合中返回对象...
Add DataAnnotations attributes at runtime in mvc3 Add dropdown list and allow adding new values add HTTPS and the web page is blank Add logo to bootstrap sidebar Add new attribute on SelectListItem Add new item in list at view and return to controller in MVC Add question mark to tooltip...
When you create a new document for any given document library, the default type of document template available to you is a Microsoft Word document. But what if you want to quickly add a Microsoft Excel worksheet, a Microsoft OneNote document, or a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation to your Docu...
Hello,Recently, one of our customers is unable to access two different Forms.For both of them he receives the error message:"Sorry, something went...
You can build Microsoft Word templates on either Windows or your Mac by enabling the Developer tab. Once you have enabled that tab, under the Controls section you can add any content controls into your document (see below what is the list of currently supported controls). Use the control ...
Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word 命名空間所包含的類型,可擴充及支援使用 Visual Studio 中的 Office 開發工具所建立之專案中的 Microsoft Office Word 物件模型。 如需這些專案的詳細資訊,請參閱 Office Project Templates Overview(Office 專案範本概觀)。