Comments.Add 方法 (Word) Microsoft Learn Challenge Nov 23, 2024 – Jan 10, 2025 立即注册 消除警报 Learn 登录 Visual Basic for Applications VBA 语言参考 Office 库参考 本文原文为英文,已针对你所在市场进行了翻译。 你对所用语言的质量的满意度如何?
以编程方式向文档中的文本添加注释。 Document 类的 Comments 属性向 Microsoft Word 文档中的一系列文本添加注释。
Looking for an easier way to collaborate on Word Documents? You’ve created a word document and need to collaborate on it with others. You add comments, make edits and end up saving multiple versions. After emailing the document back and forward between your colleagues so many times, you hav...
Comments.Add(Range, Object) Method Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll Returns a Comment object that represents a comment added to a range. C# 複製 public Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Comment Add (Microsoft.Office....
// Link to full sample: // Deletes the first comment in the selected content. await (context) => { context.document .getSelection() .getComments() .getFirst()...
從文件的 Comments 集合中刪除所有註解。語法expression. DeleteAllComments需要expression。 代表 Document 物件的變數。註解使用Comments 物件的 Add 方法將註解新增至文件。範例這則範例會刪除使用中文件內的所有註解。 此範例會假設您在使用中文件內具有註解。
await (context) => { context.document .getSelection() .getComments() .getFirst() .delete(); await context.sync(); console.log("Comment deleted"); }); getRange() Gets the range in the main document where the comment is on. TypeScript Kopiraj getRange(): Word.Range...
To view comments in Edit View, clickReview > Show Comments. To add a new comment, clickReview > New Comment. If you have the Word desktop application, use theOpen in Wordcommand to open the document and turn ontrack changes. If you don’t have Word, you cantryorbuythe latest version ...
To view comments in Edit View, clickReview > Show Comments. To add a new comment, clickReview > New Comment. If you have the Word desktop application, use theOpen in Wordcommand to open the document and turn ontrack changes. If you don’t have Word, you cantryorbuythe latest version ...
When you add a comment in Word, you'll see it appear in the right margin as close to the insertion point in the text as possible. In this view, all active comments are visible in context. When you select a comment, a border appears around it and its position is closer to the page...