SubAddComment() Selection.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd ActiveDocument.Comments.Add _ Range:=Selection.Range,Text:="review this"EndSub 本示例为活动文档的第三段添加一条备注。 VB SubComment3rd()DimmyRangeAsRangeSetmyRange = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(3).Range ActiveDocument.Comments.Add Range:=myRange...
以编程方式在 Word 中设置搜索选项 以编程方式遍历在文档中找到的项 以编程方式统计文档中的字符数 以编程方式隐藏文档中的文本 以编程方式向文档中的文本添加注释 处理表格 使用扩展对象实现 Word 自动化 演练:创建您的第一个 Word 文档级自定义项 演练:创建你的第一个 Word VSTO 外接程序 ...
How to insert a comment in Microsoft Word To insert a comment into a Word document, follow these fool-proof steps: Open theWorddocument. Check the document is an editable file type. Select the textyou would like to comment on. Pro-tip, be sure to highlight the specific words or sentence...
程序集: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll 表示所选内容、区域或文档中的批注的 对象的集合 Comment。 C# 复制 [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Guid("00020940-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")] public interface Comments : System.Collections.IEnumerable 属性 GuidAttribute 实现 IEnumerable 注解 Comments使用 ...
Word.CommentCollection = context.document.getSelection().getComments(); comments.load("items");awaitcontext.sync();constfirstActiveComment: Word.Comment = comments.items.find((item) =>item.resolved !==true);if(firstActiveComment) {constreply: Word.CommentReply = firstActiveComment.reply(text);co...
Word) (注释对象 项目 2023/04/07 6 个参与者 反馈 本文内容 备注 方法 属性 另请参阅 一个Comment 对象的集合,这些对象代表所选内容、区域或文档中的批注。 备注 用Comments 属性可返回一个 Comments 集合。 以下示例显示 Don Funk 在活动文档中所做的备注。 VB 复制 ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow....
comment.load(); await context.sync(); console.log("Comment content changed:"); console.log(comment); }); contentRange Spécifie la plage de contenu du commentaire. TypeScript Copier contentRange: Word.CommentContentRange; Valeur de propriété Word.CommentContentRange Remarques [ Ensemble d’...
To add a new comment, clickReview > New Comment. If you have the Word desktop application, use theOpen in Wordcommand to open the document and turn ontrack changes. If you don’t have Word, you cantryorbuythe latest version of Office now. ...
142Views 0likes 1Comment Does OneDrive for personal account work yet? I have been using Dropbox to sync my Word and Excel files. The reason so is because Dropbox allows me to choose what files I want uploaded where I can create custom folders to store them in. The last time I activate...
To add a text box on a chart, use theInsert Text Boxcommand. By default, a copied chart is pasted as a picture in a Word document or PowerPoint presentation. By default, a copied chart is pasted in a Word 2007 or later document or PowrPoint or later presentation as an ...