0x80041012 - WBEM_E_INVALID_PROVIDER_REGISTRATION 0x80041013 - WBEM_E_PROVIDER_LOAD_FAILURE WMI 基础结构返回的错误的完整列表列在 WMI 错误常量中。 检查配置 如果可以根据返回的失败或错误确认问题是连接性或访问问题,请检查 WMI 的现有配置,或确保用户具有适当的权限。 默认情...
Can someone help me fix this Invalid class issue on my machine . \n wmimgmt.msc\n\n console again to now check if the missing namespace is now listed. First close the console and reopen if it was still open from previous action\n...
WMI 無法執行刪除作業,因為提供者不允許它。 WBEM_E_VETO_PUT 2147750010 (0x8004107A) WMI 無法執行 put 作業,因為提供者不允許它。 WBEM_E_INVALID_LOCALE 2147750016 (0x80041080) 指定的地區設定識別元對作業無效。 WBEM_E_PROVIDER_SUSPENDED 2147750017 (0x80041081) ...
WMI 错误常量 WMI 非错误常量 WMI 安全 WMI 系统属性 WMI Windows PowerShell 命令类的托管引用 WMI 术语表 管理基础结构托管 API Learn Windows 应用 Win32 服务器技术 Windows Server Windows Management Instrumentation 使用英语阅读 保存 添加到集合 添加到计划 ...
s physical implementation information such as the CLSID of the provider’s COM object, the hosting model, etc. in an instance of the __Win32Provider system class. Each provider can support one or more types mentioned below. Based on the type(s) the provider supports, ...
若WMI 发生故障并重新启动,为确保将托管对象的所有 WMI 类定义还原到 WMI 存储库,请在 MOF 文件中使用 #pragma autorecover 语句预处理器指令。 有关详细信息,请参阅创建实例和注册实例提供程序。 创建一个描述实例提供程序功能的 __InstanceProviderRegistration 类的实例。 下面的代码示例演示如何创建 __InstancePr...
若WMI 发生故障并重新启动,为确保将托管对象的所有 WMI 类定义还原到 WMI 存储库,请在 MOF 文件中使用 #pragma autorecover 语句预处理器指令。 有关详细信息,请参阅创建实例和注册实例提供程序。 创建一个描述实例提供程序功能的 __InstanceProviderRegistration 类的实例。 下面的代码示例演示如何创建 __InstancePr...
CAN'T CONNECT TO REMOTE WMI Description:WMI can fail for a number of reasons. Some of those can include not having appropriate rights and permissions for access to machines or namespaces, problems with provider registration, corrupted repository, and scripting errors to name a few. ...
are less critical; for example, a missing DCOM registration affects only the class supported by the unregistered provider but does not affect the WMI service as a whole. If one of these tests fails, the WMI service is marked as Warning. The following items result in a health level of ...
(oProvider, oTarget, sServer, sDomain, BatchSize, and BatchDelayMinutes).''===publicfunctionProcessArgsDimiCountDimoArgsonerrorresumenext'' Get the command-line arguments'SetoArgs = WScript.ArgumentsifoArgs.Count >0then'' We have command-line arguments. Loop through them.'iCount =0ProcessArgs...