Microsoft WinRT Storage API provides classes for managing files, folders, and application settings. It is useful in developing Microsoft Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps. All Default apps set to open with Microsoft WinRT Storage API0 If WinRT Storage API has taken over as the Default App ...
阳光 win 1 HKCU\Software\Classes\AppXcdh38jxzbcberv50vxg2tg4k84kfnewn\Shell\open\command注册表编辑器里粘贴回车访问 阳光 win 1 command里面第二个删掉(DelegateExecute那个右键删掉那个)就行了无效的快捷方式就消失了 枯吻38 win 1 最简洁的方法就是把你卸载之后出现这个选项的软件重新下载下来,然后下载...
重启后,图片打开方式还是自动改成“Microsoft WinRT Storage API” 计算机\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\AppXcdh38jxzbcberv50vxg2tg4k84kfnewn\Shell\open\command 删除右侧的“DelegateExecute” 注册表这里删“DelegateExecute”后,还有两个“Microsoft WinRT Storage API” 跪求高手高手高高手出招…… 共0 ...
用于凭据保险箱访问的 Windows 运行时 (WinRT) API 是 Windows 软件开发工具包 (SDK)的一部分。 这些 API 已创建用于 通用 Windows 平台 (UWP) 应用,但它们也可以在 WinUI 应用或打包的桌面应用中使用,包括 WPF 和Windows 窗体。 有关在 Windows 桌面应用中使用 WinRT API 的详细信息,请参阅在桌面应用中调...
默认应用出现很多名为..默认应用出现很多名为Microsoft WinRT Storage API的选项,在打开图片视频的时候提示“无效注册表值”,网上搜索要删掉注册表里的一个东西,我也删除了,但是没有效果。可以看下图。希望
Windows.Storage.Pickers.PickerLocationId.picturesLibrary; openPicker.fileTypeFilter.replaceAll([".png",".jpg",".jpeg"]); openPicker.pickSingleFileAsync().done(function(file){// ...}); } 从Windows 8 选取器中选择一个应用程序将会启动该应用程序。 例如,如果用户选择 Bing,选取...
-api-id-api-type T:Windows.Storage.StorageFile winrt class Windows.Storage.StorageFile -description Represents a file. Provides information about the file and its content, and ways to manipulate them. -remarks Typically, you access StorageFile objects as the result of asynchronous method and/or ...
The strange “Microsoft WinRT Storage API” entry is caused by a corrupted app package. If the corrupted app or some of its files are missing (but the registry entry remains), it shows up with a generic/placeholder name, such as “Twin UI” or “Microsoft WinRT Storage API” (the reso...
WinRT reference content for developing Microsoft Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps - winrt-api/windows.storage/storagefile_getfilefrompathforuserasync_548650409.md at docs · MicrosoftDocs/winrt-api