notepad C:\Winpe_amd64\mount\windows\system32\startnet.cmd 將下列這一行新增至startnet.cmd: command 複製 powercfg /s 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c 儲存檔案並關閉記事本。清除您的 WinPE 映像執行dism /cleanup-image 以減少 WinPE 的磁碟和記憶體使用量,並增加與各種裝置的相容...
Windows 安裝程式需要存取選擇性內容。 由於選擇性內容預設不在 Windows 映射中,因此 Windows 安裝程式必須查看其他位置以取得 Windows 套件、暫存這些套件,然後在新的作業系統中安裝它們。 找不到內容時,結果會是裝置上缺少功能的更新、挫折的使用者,以及可能是技術支援中心通話。 此痛點有時稱為無法 在更新期間移轉...
Windows Update will provide an indication if PC is eligible or not. Check by going to Settings > Windows Update. What if my PC doesn’t meet the minimum hardware specifications? Can I stay on Windows 10? Yes, you can still use Windows 10! Windows 10 continues to be a great version of...
The “On My Computer” label indicates that the items in that folder are accessible only through the Outlook application, not through the Finder on your computer. Although "On My Computer" might suggest that you can find these files by searching your computer, the labe...
Microsoft.Windows.Appraiser.General.DatasourceApplicationFileStartSync 這個事件指出,將會傳送一組新的 DatasourceApplicationFileAdd 事件。 此事件收集的資料是用於協助讓 Windows 保持最新狀態。 此事件包含來自 Ms.Device.DeviceInventoryChange 的欄位。 以下是可用欄位: AppraiserVersion 產生事件的鑑定器檔案版本。
Check by going to Settings > Windows Update. What if my PC doesn’t meet the minimum hardware specifications? Can I stay on Windows 10? Yes! Windows 10 continues to be a great version of Windows. We have committed to supporting Windows 10 until 14 October 2025. How will I know when ...
Encountering the below error when users are clicking on their name in the windows 11 start menu to try to sign out of the computer. Faulting application name: StartMenuExperienceHost.exe, version: 10.0.22621.4249, time stamp: 0x2488f8dc Faulting module… ...
To turn off the filter feature on a single computer, use the following procedure:Open Registry Editor. To do this, click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then press ENTER. Navigate to the following registry key: \\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ Microsoft\Windows \CurrentVersion\Policies\...
Windows PowerShell 5.0 實作針對 $PSModulePath 中相同資料夾之單一 Windows PowerShell 模組的多個版本支援。 ModuleSpecification 類別已新增 RequiredVersion 屬性,其有助您取得所需版本的模組;這個屬性和 ModuleVersion 屬性不可以同時存在。 現在,您可將 RequiredVersion 與 Get-Module、Import-Module 和 Remove-Mo...
Windows Configuration Designer in Windows 10, version 1703, includes several new wizards to make it easier to create provisioning packages.Both the desktop and kiosk wizards include an option to remove pre-installed software, based on the new CleanPC configuration service provider (CSP)....