若您在下載與安裝 Windows 更新時收到錯誤碼,則更新疑難排解員可協助您解決問題。 選取[開始]>[設定]>[系統]>[疑難排解]>[其他疑難排解員]。 接下來,在[最常使用]底下,選取Windows Update>[執行]。 疑難排解員執行完成後,建議您將您的裝置重新啟動。
Learn how to run Windows Update Troubleshooter to resolve errors downloading or installing Windows updates.
The Windows Update Troubleshooter tool will automatically analyze and fix problems with Windows Update, such as a corrupted download. It will also tell you if there's a pending reboot that is preventing Windows from updating. Download the tool for Windows 10. ...
If you are having problems with this device you should view the Troubleshooter information. Would you like to launch the Troubleshooter?If rolling back drivers does not resolve the problem, you have the option of using the Last Known Good Configuration or System Restore. For more information ...
Windows Security Windows Troubleshooters Download PDF Save Add to Collections Add to Plan Print TwitterLinkedInFacebookEmail Article 02/19/2024 In this article Symptoms Cause Workaround Status Data collection This article helps fix an error that occurs on a computer that has a USB device or SD ca...
Windows 服务、更新和按需功能 缺少更新的客户端(未提供)无法下载 安装Windows 更新失败 按需安装功能时出现问题(FoD) Windows 更新配置、设置和管理 Windows 更新的其他资源 软件更新包的命令行开关 从Windows 更新目录下载更新 如何使 Windows 保持最新 SFC 将 Windows Defender 文件标记为已损坏 ...
Hi. Recently we've encountered a problem related to Windows Update and SCCM and we have found that the fix is to run the troubleshooting tools in control panel for Windows Update. However, we can't seemed to find "Windows Update" in the…
Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter: Windows includes a built-in tool for detecting and resolving typical Windows Update errors. To access it, go to Settings > Update & Security > Troubleshoot > Windows Update, and then select the "Run the troubleshooter" button. ...
If not, you might need to allow pop-ups while using Windows Update. Where do I go if I have problems installing an update? See Windows Update Help and Support for information about these and other options: Windows Update Troubleshooter Windows Update Support Center Windows Update Newsgroup ...
Program console it says there's a pending update. I'm attaching the link for 3 different screenshots - Windows Update Troubleshooter, Windows Update console, Windows Insider Preview console. Kindly clarify and provide a solution if it's just a visual bug or if the update tool isn't...