Microsoft USB 測試工具 (MUTT) 是裝置的集合,可用來測試 USB 硬體與 Microsoft USB 驅動程式堆疊的互操作性。
Windows7-USB-DVD-Download-Tool-Installer-it-IT.exe Windows7-USB-DVD-Download-Tool-Installer-ja-JP.exe Windows7-USB-DVD-Download-Tool-Installer-ko-KR.exe Windows7-USB-DVD-Download-Tool-Installer-nl-NL.exe File Size:
The tool is included in the MUTT Software Package.USBLPMUSBLPM is for Windows 8 only and works with the Microsoft USB 3.0 driver stack. The tool does not run as part of the batch files and scripts in this package. The tool is intended for controller, hub, and device companies to ...
Site Install Windows onto your computer from an ISO file on a USB drive or DVD. Rating: 3.3 - 54 votes If you choose to download an ISO file from the Microsoft Store, copy the Windows ISO file onto your drive and then run the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool. Then simply install Wind...
After installation of the tool, find it on the desktop. Launch the software. In the SOURCE give the location of the downloaded ISO file and press NEXT. Select the USB disk or the DVD disk on which you want to write Windows 10 installation. It can also burn a DVD disk if you have a...
Thank you for downloading Windows USB/DVD Download Tool - English - United Kingdom If your download does not start after 30 seconds, Click here to download manually Install Instructions Popular Downloads Product: 04 Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool 64-bit...
64GB - Bootable Windows 11/10 / 8.1/7, USB Driver 3.2 for Reinstall Windows, Reset Password, Supported UEFI and Legacy, Data Recovery, Repair Tool Bootable USB For Windows 10 Home with Activation Key. Recover, Restore, Repair Boot USB, and Install to Factory ...
(您还可以找到文档,并在这些论坛。)当您第一次运行 windows7 作为示例 USB DVD tool.exe 文件时,它将带您通过快速而方便地安装过程。 在开始菜单程序区域称为 Windows 7 USB/DVD 下载工具,将创建一个新文件夹。 打开该文件夹以启动该工具的快捷方式。
1. 启动“Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool”程序 2. 选择需要制作的Windows安装ISO文件 3. 选择U盘的盘符,并确认写入U盘 4. 等待程序提示写入数据完成(10分钟或更短,要看U盘的写入速度) 5. 卸载U盘,插入到其他计算机并选择使用U盘启动 “Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool”这个工具已经被开源了,有兴趣可以去...
如果是想直接给Windows10升级Windows11那可以直接下载上面的“Windows11安装助手 下载好是一个叫“MediaCreationToolW11”的应用程序,双击打开它,就是下面这个页面,直接点“接受” 然后这一步直接点“下一页”,因为都设置好了 这一步选择好“U盘”,然后点击“下一页” ...