In remote access, the applications are run on the remote access client computer. A computer running Windows 2000 Server and the Routing and Remote Access service is an example of a remote access server. A computer running Windows 2000 Professional is an example of a remote access client. In ...
若要启动 RemoteAccess 以创建新的传入连接,计算机需要连接到网络。 RemoteAccess 启动后,在断开与网络的连接后,仍可以创建新的传入连接。 若要检查 RemoteAccess 的状态,请在 Windows 任务管理器的“服务”选项卡下检查 RemoteAccess 服务(路由和远程访问)的状态。
The Windows NT 4.0 remote access server accepts dial-up connections and forwards packets between remote access clients and the network to which the remote access server is attached.Note: The term remote access server as it is used in this chapter refers to a Windows NT 4.0 Server computer runn...
To install Remote Access as a Web Application Proxy, either use the Add Roles and Features Wizard in Server Manager and select theRemote Accessserver role and theWeb Application Proxyrole service; or type the following command at a Windows PowerShell prompt, and then press ENTER. ...
Configuring the RAS Client on Windows 98 What is RAS? As the name implies, Remote Access Service enables you to log on to your network via a dial-up connection. Once you're logged on, you can do anything that you could do if you were logged on to a computer that's physically attache...
Set-RemoteAccess [-SslCertificate <X509Certificate2>] [-ComputerName <String>] [-InternetInterface <String>] [-InternalInterface <String>] [-Force] [-PassThru] [-CapacityKbps <UInt64>] [-UseHttp <Boolean>] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-ThrottleLimit <Int32>] [-AsJob] [-WhatIf] [...
| Version: 6.0.5000.00 Date Published: 9/14/2007 File Name: Microsoft Windows RRAS 2003 System Center Operations Manager 2007 MP.msi File Size: 291.0 KB The Microsoft Operations Manager 2007 Management Pack for Routing and Remote Access provides monitoring for RAS, VPN and Routing scenarios. Exam...
运行Microsoft Windows 2000 Server 或 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 的计算机在配置服务器时可能会出现连接问题: 路由和远程访问服务配置为允许传入连接。 在运行路由和远程访问的服务器上安装并配置域名系统(DNS)或 Windows Internet 名称服务器(WINS)服务。
若要运行 Windows 远程管理 (WinRM) 脚本,并使Winrm命令行工具执行数据操作,必须同时安装和配置 WinRM。 以下元素也依赖于 WinRM 配置: Windows Remote Shell命令行工具,Winrs。 事件转发。 Windows PowerShell 2.0 远程功能。 WinRM 的安装位置 WinRM 会随所有当前支持的 Windows 操作系统版本自动安装。
登录到 Windows 控制台。 可选(对于 Windows Vista 充当远程服务器):启动服务“Windows 远程管理”,并在重新启动后将其设置为自动启动。 编写命令提示符 WinRM quickconfig 并按Enter 按钮。 应出现以下输出: 输出 复制 WinRM is not set up to allow remote access to this machine for management. The ...