使用Windows 封裝管理員,從您的電腦中解除安裝軟體的過程與安裝時類似。 該命令以winget uninstall為開頭,然後新增軟體名稱或識別碼來將其解除安裝。 如果想要解除安裝 Azure 儲存體總管工具,請發布此命令: CMD winget uninstall Microsoft.AzureStorageExplorer ...
Microsoft Power BI Desktop THIS DOWNLOAD PAGE HAS BEEN DEPRECATED. PLEASE VISIT https://aka.ms/pbiSingleInstaller TO DOWNLOAD THE LATEST RELEASE OF POWER BI DESKTOP. 02 Microsoft Integration Runtime The Microsoft Integration Runtime is a customer managed data integration infrastructure used by Azure ...
Windows Package Manager is a helpful tool for: Understanding package managers A package manager is a system or set of tools used to automate installing, upgrading, configuring and using software. Most package managers are designed for discovering and installing developer tools. ...
User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Attachment Manager HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Attachments SaveZoneInformation (1) 或 关闭(2) 注意DefaultFileTypeRisk 注册表项的默认值为“Off (2)”。
Known incompatibilities Systems that are running the following server applications should not currently run Windows Management Framework 5.0: System Center 2012 Configuration Manager (excluding Service Pack 1) Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard...
Windows 程序包管理器提供一个命令用于帮助识别哪些软件有可用的更新。 winget upgrade 命令将列出可通过 Windows 程序包管理器升级的软件。 在上面的示例中我们可以看到已安装的软件、安装的版本和可以安装的较新版本。 更新单个软件 确定哪些软件有可用的更新后,可以更新其中的部分或所有项。
如需詳細資訊,請參閱 使用SETUP.EXE 的Windows 10 升級前驗證。 您也可以下載適用於 Windows 10 的 Windows 評定及部署套件 (ADK),並安裝應用程式相容性工具。 0x8007002 此錯誤專屬於使用 Configuration Manager R2 SP1 CU3 升級 (5.00.8238.1403) 分析SMSTS.log,並確認升級在「套用操作系統」階段失敗:...
Windows Admin Center, your favorite server management tool, is now generally available in version 2103. Learn all about the enhancements full of demos. Watch on-demand How to use Windows Admin Center in the Azure Portal You can now manage Windows Servers from the Azure portal with Windows Admin...
The base requirements for RMS are Active Directory®, IIS 6.0, the .NET Framework and ASP.NET, and Microsoft® Message Queue Server (MSMQ). You'll also need RMS server software (RMS will only run on Windows Server 2003), RMS client software and RMS-aware applications, as well as a ...
System Center Configuration Manager 2007 用戶端軟體可安裝在一般的桌上型電腦、伺服器‧、可攜式電腦 (例如膝上型電腦)、執行 Windows Mobile 或 Windows CE 的行動裝置,以及執行 Windows XP Embedded 的裝置,例如自動櫃員機。Microsoft 合作夥伴可撰寫其他用戶端軟體,以管理執行非 Windows 作業系統的電腦。