Learn more about updates for Windows 10 version 1703, including improvement and fixes, any known issues, and how to get the update.
Current status of Windows 10 (initial version released July 2015) For the most up-to-date information about Known Issues for Windows and Windows Server, please go to theWindows release health dashboard. Notes and messages General IMPORTANTRelease notes are changing! To learn about the new URL,...
FirmwareManufacturer 代表裝置韌體 (BIOS) 的製造商。 FirmwareReleaseDate 代表發行目前韌體的日期。 FirmwareType 代表韌體類型。 各種不同類型可以是未知、BIOS、UEFI。 FirmwareVersion 代表目前韌體的版本。Census.Flighting此事件會傳送來自參與改進測試和意見反應計畫的客戶的 Windows 測試人員資料。 此事件收集的資料...
FirmwareManufacturer 表示设备固件 (BIOS) 的制造商。 FirmwareReleaseDate 表示发布的当前固件的日期。 FirmwareType 表示固件类型。 不同的类型包括:未知、BIOS、UEFI。 FirmwareVersion 表示当前固件的版本。Census.Flighting此事件发送参与改进测试和反馈计划的客户的 Windows 预览体验成员数据。 随此事件收集的数据用于...
#include <Windows.h> __declspec(thread) int SomeVal; int SomeOtherVal; int main(void) { SomeVal = 0x41; SomeOtherVal = 0x42; return 0; } Compiled with cl /fsanitize=address /Zi ex.c /link /out:test.exe If we dump the ASAN globals structure, we can see the thread local vari...
FirmwareManufacturer 表示设备固件 (BIOS) 的制造商。 FirmwareReleaseDate 表示发布的当前固件的日期。 FirmwareType 表示固件类型。 不同的类型包括:未知、BIOS、UEFI。 FirmwareVersion 表示当前固件的版本。Census.Flighting此事件发送参与改进测试和反馈计划的客户的 Windows 预览体验成员数据。 随此事件收集的数据用于...
Release information Security updates Microsoft 365 Apps for Windows Update history (by date) Update sizes Current Channel Monthly Enterprise Channel Release Notes Coming Soon Archived Release Notes Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel (Preview) Microsoft 365 Insider Program Office De...
Keeping Windows 10 up-to-date Windows 10 is designed to deliver updates for the supported lifetime of the device. Two types of updates may be provided: quality updates and feature updates. Quality updates include both security and non-security updates and are typically targeted to be released ...
Windows Update for Business enables information technology administrators to keep the Windows 10-based devices in their organization always up to date with the latest security defenses and Windows features by directly connecting these systems to Microsoft’s Windows Update service. ...
Windows Update for Business enables information technology administrators to keep the Windows 10-based devices in their organization always up to date with the latest security defenses and Windows features by directly connecting these systems to Microsoft’s Windows Update service. ...