Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup|WindowsFeatures Applies To For the list of the supported Windows editions and architectures that this component supports, seeMicrosoft-Windows-Shell-Setup. XML Example The following XML output shows how to specify that the entry points for these Windows features not be ...
WindowsFeatures WindowsFeatures ShowInternetExplorer ShowMediaCenter ShowWindowsMediaPlayer ShowWindowsMail Microsoft-Windows-shwebsvc Microsoft-Windows-Sidebar Microsoft-Windows-SMBServer Microsoft-Windows-SNMP-Agent-Service Microsoft-Windows-SQMAPI Microsoft-Windows-stobject Microsoft-Windows-Store-Client-UI Microso...
通过Windows 终端,可使用设置 UI 菜单或 settings.json 文件为每个命令行配置文件指定自定义背景图像和图标,从而可以单独配置每个配置文件或设置其品牌/样式。 为此,请指定首选 backgroundImage,使用 backgroundImageAlignment 定位它,使用 backgroundImageOpacity 设置其不透明度,并/或使用 backgroundImageStretchMode 指定...
OPEN_REPARSE_LIST 指向指定標記且可能直接開啟之 GUID 的OPEN_REPARSE_LIST_ENTRY結構清單,而不傳回STATUS_REPARSE。 OPEN_REPARSE_LIST_ENTRY 此結構支援呼叫端開啟特定重新分析點,而不會抑制所有重新分析點類別的重新分析行為。 OPLOCK_KEY_CONTEXT OPLOCK_KEY_CONTEXT結構會從IoGetOplockKeyContextEx傳回。 這個結構...
The INTERNETFEATURELIST enumeration was introduced in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 for Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), and expanded for later versions of Internet Explorer.Applications that host the WebBrowser Control should use the CoInternetSetFeatureEnabled function to enable or disable each ...
public interface FeaturesListDefinition extends Features.FeaturesListDefinitionStages.WithAppId,Features.FeaturesListDefinitionStages.WithVersionId,Features.FeaturesListDefinitionStages.WithExecute The entirety of list definition. Inherited Members Features.FeaturesListDefinitionStages.WithExecute.exe...
PS C:\>Get-WindowsFeature -Name Web-* | Install-WindowsFeature This example retrieves a list of all Windows features beginning with the characters Web, and then pipes the resulting list toInstall-WindowsFeature. The result of this cmdlet is all features that start with Web are installed on ...
Windows 命令提示符 Dism /Image:C:\test\offline /Get-Features 可以将>添加到命令以将命令的输出重定向到文本文件。 例如,>featurelist.txt将输出到名为featurelist.txt的文本文件。 查看功能列表,找到要启用、禁用、删除或还原的功能。 使用/Get-FeatureInfo列出感兴趣的特定功能的相关信息。 例如,键入: ...
Windows 10 N:Select theStartbutton, then selectSettings >Apps > Apps & features > Optional features > Add a feature. Then locate theMedia Feature Packin the list of available optional features. Windows 11 N: Select theStartbutton, then selectSettings > Apps > Optional features. SelectView feat...
Windows 10 N:Select theStartbutton, then selectSettings >Apps > Apps & features > Optional features > Add a feature. Then locate theMedia Feature Packin the list of available optional features. Windows 11 N: Select theStartbutton, then selectSettings > Apps > Optional features...