尋找Windows 11 版本 23H2 最近解決之問題的相關信息。 若要尋找特定問題,請在瀏覽器上使用搜尋函式, (CTRL + F 來Microsoft Edge) 。 如需 Windows 更新問題的立即協助,如果您使用 Windows 裝置開啟 [取得說明] 應用程式或移至[support.microsoft.com],請按兩下這裡。 請遵循@WindowsUpdateX (先前的 Windows...
Applies ToWindows 11 Windows 10 Windows 11Windows 10 如果你在下载和安装 Windows 更新时收到错误代码,更新疑难解答可以帮助解决该问题。 选择“开始”>“设置”>“系统”>“疑难解答”>“其他疑难解答”。 接下来,在 最常用的下,选择 Windows 更新 > 运行。 运行完疑难解答后,最好重启设备。 接下来,检查...
Hi All, Edition: Windows 11 Pro Version: 22H2 OS build: 22621.2715 Below are the errors I'm getting. I tried: net stop wuauserv net stop cryptSvc net stop bits ren C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old ren…
If you're trying to activate Windows, seeActivate Windowsfor more info. How to reset your Microsoft account password If you're having trouble installing updates, seeTroubleshoot problems updating Windows. When you only want info about updating Windows 11, you'll find answers to many of your qu...
REM NOTE: Some of the syntax / arguments have to be changed, such as the pathforthe USB Drive(if this is going to work properly.)REM These3lines below show how to INSTALL the ADK and WinPE Addon first ->REM"Download the Windows ADK for Windows 11"->https://docs.microsoft....
I have 2 Windows 11 Enterprise computers at least that have issues with the updates. I see the same issue either when updating from WSUS or from Microsoft online site. Most of the time I'm stuck on one of these updates: KB5034765,KB5034204, KB5034848. Most of the time I'm getting ...
Quick question: This evening, I ran Microsoft Windows 11 update. I received the following error code for various Intel Extensions: 0x80070103 (see
[German]Users of Windows 11 may run into the problem that the monthly updates or preview updates fail during installation since the end of June 2023. A too small WinRE partition on the system drive can be to blame for this. Microsoft has now revealed some details in a support...
Windows 功能更新裝置整備程度和 Windows 功能更新相容性風險報告要求已註冊裝置的用戶擁有下列其中一個授權:Windows 10/11 企業版 E3 或 E5 (隨附於 Microsoft 365 F3、E3 或 E5 中) Windows 10/11 教育版 A3 或 A5 (隨附於 Microsoft 365 A3 或 A5 中) 每位使用者的 Windows 10/11 虛擬桌面存取 (VDA...
Windows 功能更新裝置整備程度和 Windows 功能更新相容性風險報告要求已註冊裝置的用戶擁有下列其中一個授權:Windows 10/11 企業版 E3 或 E5 (隨附於 Microsoft 365 F3、E3 或 E5 中) Windows 10/11 教育版 A3 或 A5 (隨附於 Microsoft 365 A3 或 A5 中) 每位使用者的 Windows 10/11 虛擬桌面存取 (VDA...