尋找Windows 11 版本 23H2 最近解決之問題的相關信息。 若要尋找特定問題,請在瀏覽器上使用搜尋函式, (CTRL + F 來Microsoft Edge) 。 如需 Windows 更新問題的立即協助,如果您使用 Windows 裝置開啟 [取得說明] 應用程式或移至[support.microsoft.com],請按兩下這裡。 請遵循@WindowsUpdateX (先前的 Windows...
I have 2 Windows 11 Enterprise computers at least that have issues with the updates. I see the same issue either when updating from WSUS or from Microsoft online site. Most of the time I'm stuck on one of these updates: KB5034765,KB5034204, KB5034848. Most of the time I'm getting t...
After significant effort, I have managed to remove all but one Windows 11 error message in Settings/Windows Update. The final remaining update problem on the Settings/Windows Update screen is: "Windows version 22H2, install error 0xc1900101. The next message in the process was "attempting to ...
Windows Insider Program HiGowtham_Kalli thank you for wanting to help improve your Windows experience! Thank you for getting here! The best way to help improve and fix errors -> is to change the privacy settings ( please enable optional diagnostic data ) your computer will automatically and ano...
Windows Update is an essential component of Windows 11, ensuring your system remains secure, stable, and up-to-date with the latest features. However, issues can occasionally arise, preventing updates from installing. This guide provides detailed steps to troubleshoot and resolve Windows Update probl...
Try our Virtual Agent - It can help you quickly identify and fix common Windows Update issues These solutions designed to get you started on Windows Update troubleshooting scenarios.Troubleshooting checklistStep 1: Run the diagnostic tool for your version of Windows...
Find information on known issues and the status of the Windows 11, version 21H2 rollout. For immediate help with Windows update issues,click hereif you are using a Windows device to open the Get Help app or go tosupport.microsoft.com. Follow@WindowsUpdateon X (formerly Twitter) for Windows...
Find information on known issues and the status of the Windows 11, version 21H2 rollout. For immediate help with Windows update issues,click hereif you are using a Windows device to open the Get Help app or go tosupport.microsoft.com. Follow@WindowsUpdateon X (formerly Twitter) for Windows...
Current status of Windows 11, version 21H2 For the most up-to-date information about known issues for Windows 11, please go to theWindows release health dashboard. Known issues in this update Symptom Workaround When using the Microsoft Japanese Input Method Editor (IME), ...
Known issues in this update For the most up-to-date information about known issues for Windows 11, version 23H2, please go to theWindows release health dashboard. Applies to Symptom Workaround All users Windows devices using more than one (1) monitor might experience issu...