Windows 投影需要支持 Windows 显示驱动模型 (WDDM) 2.0 的显示适配器以及支持 Wi-Fi 直连的 Wi-Fi 适配器。 Windows 工作室效果Windows 工作室中的自动取景、背景模糊(标准和肖像)、眼神交流和语音聚焦功能将在 Windows 11 设备上运行,该设备须包含一个处理器或 SoC,包含神经网络处理器 (NPU),每秒可进行 10 ...
Hardware requirements To install or upgrade to Windows 11, devices must meet the following minimum hardware requirements: Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster with two or more cores on acompatible 64-bit processoror system on a chip (SoC). ...
Your device must berunning Windows 10, version 2004 or later, to upgrade. Free updates are available through Windows Update in Settings>Update and Security. Certainfeatures require specific hardware.2System requirements to run some apps will exceed the Windows 11 minimum device specifications. Check ...
Windows 11 设备必须满足以下最低硬件要求才能安装或升级到Windows 11: 处理器:1 千兆赫 (GHz) 或更快,在兼容的 64 位处理器或芯片上的系统上 (SoC) 。 RAM:4 GB (GB) 或更大。 存储:64 GB 或更大的可用存储 可能需要额外的存储空间才能下载更新并启用特定功能。
Hello, So I'm trying to get windows 11 through the Insider program but it says I don't meet the requirements even though I'm pretty sure I do any help is greatly appreciated. My Specs I7-9700k... ColbyCouture
Hello, So I'm trying to get windows 11 through the Insider program but it says I don't meet the requirements even though I'm pretty sure I do any help is greatly appreciated. My Specs I7-9700k...Show More Reply View Full Discussion (24 Replies)Sho...
If you were expecting Microsoft to relent in its strict hardware requirements for Windows 11, prepare to be disappointed. Most PC designs from 2018 or earlier will be unable to make the upgrade.
The Windows 11 Hardware Lab Kit now has the "Static Tools Logo Test" which requires running certain tests on the source code to create a Driver Verification Log (DVL) that the HLK uses to verify that the driver meets certain Microsoft requirements.
Windows 11 家庭版版本需要 Internet 连接和Microsoft帐户才能在首次使用时完成设备设置。特定于功能的要求如果存在正确的硬件,Windows 客户端会提供更多选项。 以下是各种附加功能的一些硬件和软件要求:Windows Hello:Windows Hello需要专门的发光红外摄像头进行面部识别、虹膜检测或支持 Windows 生物识别框架的指...
This article might also apply if messages in thePC Health Checkapp and theWindows Updatepage inSettingsdon't match. The easiest way to see if a device meets the requirements for Windows 11 after making hardware changes to the device is...