I'm trying to deploy screensavers (multiple images) to windows 10 pro devices but yet to achieve this via intune. Has anyone been able to achieve this in a production environment? Thank you. Thanks for sharing the linkRudy_Ooms_MVP The aim is to deploy the screensaver in...
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Live\Photo Gallery\Slideshow\Screensaver 浏览到注册表值中所示的文件夹,然后删除文件夹和子文件夹中任何无效的照片快捷方式。 如果SCRNSAVE。EXE注册表值为 "C:\Windows\wlxpgss.scr",在以下路径中找到FolderPath注册表值: ...
find out if a user has got the password prompt or not in windows server 2008 or at the client machine Find out inactive computers based on Server Operating System find out what servers, shares a user has access to Find out who deleted an AD object without security logs? Find out who dis...
Screen saver mode: Enable shows a screensaver on the Managed Home Screen when the device is locked or times out. When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. By default, the OS might not show a screensaver on the Managed Home Screen. When enabled,...
http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/insider/forum/insider_wintp-insider_files/windows-photo-viewer-under-windows-10/f5b7738b-2f4f-4699-b1e3-21f7237c558a Arnav Sharma | http://arnavsharma.net/ Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmar...
Enter the maximum minutes of inactivity until the screensaver activates. (0 - 99999) Require CTRL+ALT+DEL to log on Default: Not configured LocalPoliciesSecurityOptions CSP: InteractiveLogon_DoNotRequireCTRLALTDEL Enable - Require users to press CTRL+ALT+DEL before logging on to Windows. Not conf...
If you have official OEM drivers in the list above, I would then check your power profile... 1.) Start -> Run -> Control -> Power Options -> Select: Balanced -> Change plan settings 1A.) Turn off the display -> Never (1B.) Put the computer to sleep -> Never ...
To disable the screensaver, either change the power plan through Windows Control Panel, or configure and deploy a custom plan. For more information, seeConfigure Power Plans. Settings in an unattended answer file from theoobeSystemconfiguration pass do not appear in audit mode. However, depending ...
To disable the screensaver, either change the power plan through Windows Control Panel, or configure and deploy a custom plan. For more information, see Configure Power Plans.Settings in an unattended answer file from the oobeSystem configuration pass do not appear in audit mode. However, ...
I once installed a photo screensaver that used caching to store the transformed versions of the original images and reduce processing requirements as it repeatedly cycled through the collection of photos. It probably works fine if you only have a few dozen images, but with my vast collection of...