{ "signInType":"federated", "issuer":"facebook.com", "issuerAssignedId":"0123456789" } ], "displayName": "JohnSmith", "givenName":"John", "surname":"Smith", "jobTitle":"Supplier", "streetAddress":"1000MicrosoftWay", "city":"Seattle", "postalCode": "12345", "state":"...
Surface Laptop 商用版 强劲性能,全天候电池续航*,以及独特的 Windows 11 AI+ PC 人工智能体验——搭载英特尔® 酷睿™ Ultra 处理器 (Series 2)。 立即预购 折扣专区 购买Surface 设备 购买Xbox 游戏和主机 选择你的 Microsoft 365 获取Windows 11
if a business, your principal place of business is in) North or South America outside the United States and Canada, you are contracting with Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052, U.S.A. Washington State law governs the interpretation of these Terms of Sale and claims...
For example, a search for account in WA will generate results for accounts located in Washington state.Note All the preceding capabilities are part of intelligent search, which is only available for public cloud environments that have English as the base language. To get these results, the ...
we determine your approximate location and map based on your IP address. Mobile networks are especially hard to pinpoint since they sometimes route traffic through distant locations. Even if you sign in using your mobile device in Washington state, the locat...
we determine your approximate location and map based on your IP address. Mobile networks are especially hard to pinpoint since they sometimes route traffic through distant locations. Even if you sign in using your mobile device in Washington state, the locat...
b. Electronic notices to you.We may provide you with information about the Online Services in electronic form. It may be via email to the address you provide when you sign up for the Online Services (as you may update via the Portal), or through a web site that we identify. Notice via...
{ "countryOrRegion":"US", "geoCoordinates": { "longitude":-122.12094116210936, "latitude":47.68050003051758 }, "state":"Washington", "city":"Redmond" } Rentang waktu adalah jenis data yang mengacu pada ukuran waktu seperti jam, hari, atau detik. Jangan membingungkan rentang waktu dengan ta...
We updated our Dublin address in How to Contact Us. In Enterprise and Developer Products, we: deleted the subsection for Cognitive Services as we moved Cognitive Services under the same terms as Azure services. To learn more, see: https://azure.microsoft.com/support/legal/cognitive-services-com...
Redmond, Washington, United States Up to 50% work from home Microsoft Copilot is revolutionizing how people work and has created an unprecedented opportunity to advance the state-of-the-art in a way that benefits millions of people. As a Senior Applied Scientist in Microsoft’s productiv...