The most realistic TTS voices are typical of more advanced TTS tools such as Amazon Polly and Speechify. The levels of realism will depend on the language, the speech model, and the parameters of your choice. What is the difference between Text to Speech and Voice Recognition?
lang', 'en-US') # zh-CN-YunyeNeural、zh-CN-YunxiNeural 是使用什么声音输出,可以看代码最后一行app.get_voices_list()获取节点支持的语音输出类型,填ShortName # voice.set('name', 'zh-CN-YunyeNeural') # Short name for 'Microsoft Server Speech Text to Speech Voice (en-US, Guy24KRUS)' ...
TextToSpeech.Voices Property Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: Android.Speech.Tts Assembly: Mono.Android.dll Query the engine about the set of available voices. public virtual System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<Android.Speech.Tts.Voice>? Voices { [Android.Runtime.Register("getVoices", ...
此API 支援適用于 Android 的 Mono 基礎結構,並不適合直接從您的程式碼使用。 Voice 傳回Voice 實例,描述目前用於傳送至 TextToSpeech 引擎之合成要求的語音。 Voices 查詢引擎以取得一組可用的語音。方法AddEarcon(String, File) 新增文字字串與聲音檔之間的對應。 AddEarcon(String, String) 已過時。 新增...
== Speechify text to speech features == ➤ Listen at any speed Read up to 4.5x faster — 900 words per minute. Our high-quality AI voices can read 4.5x faster than the average reading speed so that you can learn even more in less time. While it isn’t easy to li...
Text to speech enables your applications, tools, or devices to convert text into human like synthesized speech. The text to speech capability is also known as speech synthesis. Use human like prebuilt neural voices out of the box, or create a custom neural voice that's unique to your produc...
The Speech API English Text To Speech Voice (Sam) component contains a program that converts typed or stored text to spoken language. A pregenerated voice verbalizes the text. Microsoft provides a default voice, called Microsoft Sam. Additional voices can be purchased from independent speech engi...
Step 3: Setting Up Voices Step 4: Speak! Step 5: Modifying Speech Step 1: Setting up the project While it is possible to write an application from scratch, it is easier to start from an existing project. In this case, use Visual Studio's application wizard to create a Win32 console ...
speech. Our users have listened to 6.5 billion words. == Speechify text to speech features == ➤ Listen at any speed Read up to 4.5x faster — 900 words per minute. Our high-quality AI voices can read 4.5x faster than the average reading speed so that you can ...
Note that you might only have one of these voices on your system. These, as well as other speech parameters such as pitch and emphasis, can be modified through XML markup of the text to be spoken. To use XML markup, the first characters of the text should be:<XML>. Here are some ...