Voice Access の新機能Windows 音声アクセスを使用して PC を制御し、音声を使用してテキストを作成するユーザーの最新の変更と機能強化について説明します。 この記事は、PC を制御し、 Windowsで音声を使用してテキストを作成するユーザーを対象にしています。 この記事は、Windowsのアクセシビ...
Voice Access 的新功能 瞭解使用 Windows 語音存取來控制電腦並使用語音撰寫文字的使用者的最新變更和改良功能。 本文適用於想要使用其語音利用 Windows 控制其電腦並撰寫文字的人員。 本文是Windows 協助工具支援內容集的一部分,您可以在此找到有關 Windows 協助工具功能的詳細資訊。 如需一般說明,請造訪Microsoft 支援...
新功能 若要了解語音存取的新功能,請參閱 Voice Access 的新增功能。為身心障礙客戶提供技術支援 Microsoft 盡最大的努力為所有客戶提供最佳的體驗。 如果您是殘疾人士或有任何協助工具相關問題,請連絡 Microsoft 殘疾人士 Answer Desk 以取得技術協助。 殘疾人士 Answer Desk 支援小組受...
Voice access is available in Windows 11, version 22H2 and later. For more information on Windows 11 22H2 new features, and how to get the update, seeWhat's new in recent Windows updates. Not sure which version of Windows you have? See:Find Windows version. ...
A1: Updates is a Microsoft Teams app. When any users submit updates to you through Updates App, the trigger will work.Q2: How can I start to use the trigger of 'When I receive a new update tied to a specific request'? A2: First, you need to create an update request through Updates...
As of July 9, 2024, Windows updates support theMessage-Authenticatorattribute inAccess-Requestpackets. The new RADIUS standards mandate this change. However, if you install the July 2024, or later, updates, NPS connection failures can happen. This update does not cause these connection failures. ...
As of July 9, 2024, Windows updates support theMessage-Authenticatorattribute inAccess-Requestpackets. The new RADIUS standards mandate this change. However, if you install the July 2024, or later, updates, NPS connection failures can happen. This update does not cause these connection failures. ...
Updates App (Microsoft 365) Updown (Independent Publisher) URL.dev (Independent Publisher) UrLBae (Independent Publisher) USB4SAP UserVoice USGS Earthquake Hazards (Independent Publisher) Vantage 365 Imaging Varuna vatcheckapi Vena Solutions Ventipix Asset and Inventory Verified Veteran Confirmation (Indep...
Voice access Command and control your PC with your voice using Windows 11 voice access, now in preview.4Open and switch between apps, browse the web, read, and author emails, and more—all without your mouse and keyboard. Use voice accessSee it in action ...
We made several updates and additions to the Windows apps portion of our Windows section to describe how some of our apps access and use various device capabilities and data, depending on the app and your use. We added sections about the Clock App, Microsoft Journal, the Mobile Plans app, ...