在过去,仅当 Visual Studio (VS) 订阅已分配到 Microsoft 帐户 (MSA) 时此功能才可用。 我们已经将此功能扩展到 Microsoft Entra ID 中的工作或学校帐户。使用备用 ID 不会向另一个帐户提供订阅副本,而是仅提供可使用备用帐户来享受这两项权益的功能。
Visual Studio 訂用帳戶管理員入口網站可讓您使用工具,在單一位置管理您組織的訂用帳戶。瀏覽入口網站。重要考量在您使用 Visual Studio 訂用帳戶管理員入口網站時,請牢記下列事項:Visual Studio 訂用帳戶依使用者授權。 每位訂閱者可以基於開發和測試用途在任意數量的電腦上使用軟體。 根據貴組織購買的 Visual Studio...
Visual Studio 开发工具和服务让任何开发人员在任何平台和语言的应用开发都更加轻松。 随时随地免费使用代码编辑器或 IDE 进行开发。
連線至 Azure 入口網站,網址是portal.azure.com 使用您用來購買 Visual Studio 雲端訂用帳戶的帳戶登入。 在左側瀏覽窗格中,向下捲動至 [成本管理 + 計費]。 在[我的訂閱] 清單中,選擇您用來進行購買的 Azure 訂用帳戶。 選取[存取控制],其位在左側瀏覽窗格中的清單頂端附近。
The Visual Studio Code (VS Code) extension for portals adds the capability to configure portals using VS Code. The extension utilizes the built-in Liquid language IntelliSense that helps with code completion, assistance, and hinting while customizing portals interfaces using ...
If you're able to sign in to the subscriptions portal at https://my.visualstudio.com, but can't see your subscription, there are two common causes:You're logged in with a different Microsoft Account (MSA). It's possible that you have multiple subscriptions and they're associated ...
Release notes for the latest features and improvements in Visual Studio 2017 v15.9. Plan better, code together and ship faster with Visual Studio.
Release notes for the latest features and improvements in Visual Studio 2017 v15.9. Plan better, code together and ship faster with Visual Studio.
The Developer Community Portal Details of What's New in 15.9 Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9.0 released on November 13, 2018 New Features in 15.9 Install We made it easier to keep your installation settings consistent across multiple installations of Visual Studio. You can now use the Visual St...
Upgrade to Visual Studio professional error I am the account owner and have all billing control and rights in my Azure portal. I am in fact the only user. When I go to the Visual Studio subscription page, and opt for paid subscription and try to sign on for the Professional Subscription...