Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2022 借助Microsoft Visual Studio 应用程序工具,你可以在与 VSTA 集成的应用程序中添加和运行 VSTA 自定义。 重要事项! 在下方选择语言会自动将整个页面内容更改为该语言。 选择语言 中文(简体)中文 (繁體)法语德语英语意大利语日语葡萄牙语韩语俄语西班牙语 ...
但是,当你使用的计算机未连接到 Internet 时,在下载并安装 .NET Framework 2.0 SDK 文档的本地副本并执行将该文档与 Visual Studio 2012 开发环境集成所需的步骤之前,无法访问这些文档源。 若要查看说明如何执行此操作的帮助主题,请打开“帮助内容”窗格,展开Visual Studio...
借助Microsoft Visual Studio 应用程序工具,你可以在与 VSTA 集成的应用程序中添加和运行 VSTA 自定义。VSTA 2015 具有 2 种主要操作模式:安装了受支持的 Visual Studio版本的模式和独立模式。在独立模式中,VSTA 为应用程序提供加载、编译和运行最终客户自定义的方法。如果计算机上安装了受支持的 Visual Studio版本,则...
Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2.0 gives you a way to enable end users to customize your existing applications using Visual Basic and Visual C#. You can incorporate a custom integrated development environment (IDE) that is similar to the Visual Studio IDE into the application. End...
Visual Studio Tools for Applications projects open in Visual Studio, so professional developers can enhance customizations built by end users. Standard tools facilitate collaboration between internal teams, resellers, systems integrators, and end users. ...
Visual Studio Tools for Applications (VSTA) is a set of tools that independent software vendors (ISVs) can use to build customization abilities into their applications for both automation and extensibility. Those customization abilities can be used by end-users to tailor the ISV's applicat...
Visual Studio Tools for Applications (VSTA) is a set of tools that independent software vendors (ISVs) can use to build customization abilities into their applications for both automation and extensibility. Those customization abilities can be used by end-users to tailor the ISV's application withi...
word一打开就出现一个框,显示“microsoft visual studio 2005 tools for application,是设置错误造成的,解决方法如下:1、首先打开visual studio的界面当中,进行点击菜单中“文件”的选项菜单。2、弹出了下拉菜单中,进行选中“打开项目”菜单。3、这样就会弹出了电脑的路径的界面当中,显示为项目的文件,...
Select Visual Studio Tools for Applications (VSTA). On the Summary screen, click Install Now. After installing SOLIDWORKS:When trying to open VSTA 1.0 .NET macros created in previous releases, they must be converted to VSTA 2015. After conversion, an instance of Visual Studio opens the convert...
【答案】:先与你明说吧,VS2005一个一个卸载掉(VS2010也一样)绝对不是一个明智的做法!!因为有些VS2005安装的组件与你电脑的Microsoft office联系到一起了,某一个组件卸载后会更改注册表,这就产生了“无关效应”。我也是在遇到类似情况后吧vs2008一个一个的卸载,结果弄得我好不容易才激活的...