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Visual Studio Community 2019 is a fully featured, extensible, free* integrated development environment for creating modern applications for Android, iOS, Windows, Linux as well as web applications, cloud services, and games. Code in C#, Visual Basic, F#,
Microsoft Visual Studio 2019中文破解版是全球最流行的Windows平台应用程序的基于.NET Framework 4.5.2 的集成开发环境,简称VS2019,此版本也是微软官方推出的最新版本。Visual Studio 2019中文破解版具有用于构建和发布WPF应用程序所需的熟悉工具,包括WPF XAML设计器、用于为WPF应用程序创建MSIX包的工具等。Visual Studio ...
The following section is the "REDIST list" that is referenced in the "Distributable Code" section of the Microsoft Software License Terms for Visual Studio Enterprise 2019, Visual Studio Professional 2019, Visual Studio Community 2019 ("the software"). If you have a validly licensed copy of suc...
Hello, I am trying to install a research software for my work, which requires first the installation of VS 2019 community version 16.8.2 or 16.11.2 with intel oneabi 2021.2. I am writing this post to get supported to download this specific version as I used a different version but it d...
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Visual Studio 2019 的可分发代码文件 以下部分是“REDIST 列表”,Visual Studio Enterprise 2019、Visual Studio Professional 2019 和 Visual Studio Community 2019(简称“软件”)的 Microsoft 软件许可条款的“可分发代码”部分中引用了此列表。 如果你有此类软件的有效许可副本,可根据软件的许可条款,使用你的程序复制...
Visual Studio 2019 16.9.21 版2022 年 5 月 10 日發行此版本中已解決的問題:已將Visual Studio 使用的 Git for Windows 版本和可安裝的選用元件更新為 已修正 Git 整合的問題,其中若提取/同步處理已分歧的分支,輸出視窗將不會顯示關於解決方式的當地語系化提示。