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Visio 计划 2 功能Visio 计划 2Visio 2013 新的模板和格式 将渐变效果和三维效果等其他 Office 应用程序中的格式添加到经过改进的新模板。 一步到位的数据链接 只需一步即可链接 Excel 数据来直观显示实时数据,以查看数据的变化情况。 行业标准形状 创建符合现代行业标准的专业外观图表,并清晰地传达想法。
Die Systemanforderungen für die Visual Studio 2013-Produktfamilie sind in der Tabelle unten aufgelistet. Weitere Informationen zur Kompatibilität finden Sie unterVisual Studio 2013 – Zielplattformen und Kompatibilität. Um die Systemanforderungen für bestimmte Produkte anzuzeigen, klicken...
The new Microsoft Application Insights, announced at the Visual Studio 2013 launch, is a suite of services designed around the key questions high-performance delivery teams need answered: Is our application available? Is it performing? Are we delivering the features our users want?
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Welcome to Visual Studio 2013Článok 01. 07. 2015 State-of-the-art tools and services that you can use to create great apps for devices, the cloud, and everything in between.Rozbaliť tabuľku Download No matter the size of your team or the complexity of your projects, there's ...
Visual Studio 2013 - Introducing Visual Studio Online Data Points - Code First Goodies in Entity Framework 6 WPF - Build Fault-Tolerant Composite Applications Test Run - Frequent Item-Sets for Association Rule Learning Windows 8.1 - Create Modern Microfiche with the Chronicling America API ...
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