解决办法:在build tool安装时,提示安装包损坏时,可以选择离线目录即可 工具1.visualcppbuildtools full.exe 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1O5DB8pHWQsMWkeTl_xjvbQ提取码:ctui 2.离线包 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1DqVU_mOva2PVhSMsN954uw提取码:i352 注意:离线包下载下来是个iso文件,将其解压,...
Visual C++ Build Tools 2015 离线包,可离线安装,解决无法下载安装内容的问题。VisualC++BuildTools2015离线包.zip.003(共三部分) 立即下载 上传者: weixin_42073234 时间: 2021-11-01 Microsoft Visual C++ Build.zip 免费恰饭,不需积分,免安装virtual studio 单纯安装build,适用于python3.5及以上。亲测有效 ...
pycharm中安装gmpy2报错:error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required. Get it with “Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools” 一种方法是安装C++14.0,太麻烦了,所以我选择下载wheel文件,用命令进行安装。 网址:https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlk...
"Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools": http://landinghub.visualstudio.com/visual-cpp-build-tools 解决 python3模块无法安装问题。 python32018-11-04 上传大小:2.00MB 所需:45积分/C币 VisualC++BuildTools2015离线包安装 解决python安装pycryptodome提示需要visual C++ 14.0的问题,从官网下载的包都安装失败了,亲测...
The other extensions don't build with yarn (#13304) Feb 22, 2025 Code Samples Remove trailing whitespaces (#8254) Oct 15, 2021 Documentation clarify how to get binaries if F5 results in error (#8788) Feb 19, 2022 Extension fix type checking (#13334) ...
This download is the legacy DirectX SDK. It is now end-of-life and should only be used for maintaining older software. For targeting DirectX for Windows 7 or later, use the modern Windows SDK instead.
VCCustomBuildTool VCDebugSettings VCFile VCFileConfiguration VCFilter VCForeignReference VCFxCopTool VCFxCopTool2 VCLibrarianTool VCLinkerTool VCManagedResourceCompilerTool VCManifestTool VCMidlTool VCNMakeTool VCPlatform VCPostBuildEventTool VCPreBuildEventTool VCPreLinkEventTool VCProject VCProjectEngine ...
enterprise-ready features designed to facilitate your development process with support for any build and project systems. vcpkg is a C++ tool at heart and is written in C++ with scripts in CMake. It is designed from the ground up to address the unique pain points C/C++ developers experience....
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