和任何新式的程式設計語言一樣,Visual Basic 支援許多通用的程式設計建構和語言元素。如果您曾經使用其他語言進行程式設計,則可能會覺得本節涵蓋的大多數內容似曾相識。 雖然大部分的建構類似於其他語言中的建構,但 Visual Basic 的事件導向本質還是引進了部分些微差異。
Visual Basic Language Features Programming Concepts Collections Developing Applications with Visual Basic Collaborate with us on GitHub The source for this content can be found on GitHub, where you can also create and review issues and pull requests. For more information, seeour contributor guide. ...
以下主题介绍并讨论了 Visual Basic(面向对象的编程语言)的基本组成部分。 使用窗体和控件创建应用程序的用户界面后,需要编写代码来定义应用程序的行为。 与所有新式编程语言一样,Visual Basic 支持许多常见的编程构造和语言元素。 如果你已使用其他语言进行过编程,可能会对此部分中介绍的大部分资料感到熟悉。 虽然大多数...
Discusses various aspects of development in Visual Basic, such as the code editor, security, exception handling, debugging, and using the .NET Framework class library. Visual Basic Programming Guide Introduces the major components of Visual Basic, an object-oriented programming language. Reference (Vis...
Microsoft Visual Basic (VB6.EXE). Visual Studio is extensible by nature, ultimately consisting of a core "shell" that implements all commands, windows...
Visual Basic Programming Guide Program Structure and Code Conventions (Visual Basic) Visual Basic Language Features Visual Basic Language Features Arrays in Visual Basic Collections in Visual Basic Constants and Enumerations in Visual Basic Control Flow in Visual Basic Data Types in Visual Basic Declared...
Language Integrated Query (LINQ) Introduction to the LINQ Topics Bind a Data Grid View Microsoft Visual Basic 6, Microsoft Visual Basic 2003 Last Update: Wednesday, October 05, 2016 22:26 Started on Tuesday 05 February 2008Windows Controls Applications (Applications That Demonstrate The Uses ...
Visual Basic is an object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft. Using Visual Basic makes it fast and easy to create type-safe .NET apps. Download Download the .NET SDK Get started Create a .NET Core console application using Visual Studio ...
The Visual Basic Language Service crashes when you open a web project. Windows Forms Designer You use the Visual Studio 2010 IDE to open a project that is in an earlier version. For example, you open a Visual Studio 2008 project. After a debug session, you cannot rebuild or debug the pro...
Language designers are generally conservative about adding new keywords to a programming language. A language has to be expressive enough to be useful, but adding too many keywords makes the language too complex to master. The new keywords being added to Visual Basic with the release of Visual ...