VirtualMachineExtensionHandlerInstanceView VirtualMachineExtensionImage VirtualMachineExtensionImages VirtualMachineExtensionImagesGetOptionalParams VirtualMachineExtensionImagesGetResponse VirtualMachineExtensionImagesListTypesOptionalParams VirtualMachineExtensionImagesListTypesResponse VirtualMachineExtensionImagesListVersionsOptional...
VirtualMachine.UpdateStages.WithManagedServiceIdentity VirtualMachine.UpdateStages.WithRoleAndScopeOrUpdate VirtualMachine.UpdateStages.WithSecondaryNetworkInterface VirtualMachine.UpdateStages.WithUnmanagedDataDisk VirtualMachineAgentInstanceView VirtualMachineCustomImage ...
WithFromImageCreateOptionsManaged VirtualMachine.DefinitionStages.WithFromImageCreateOptionsManagedOrUnmanaged VirtualMachine.DefinitionStages.WithFromImageCreateOptionsUnmanaged VirtualMachine.DefinitionStages.WithGroup VirtualMachine.DefinitionStages.WithLinuxCreateManaged VirtualMachine...
ImageDataDisk ImageDiskReference ImageOSDisk ImageReference ImageStorageProfile InnerError InstanceViewStatus InstanceViewTypes IPVersion KeyVaultAndKeyReference KeyVaultAndSecretReference KeyVaultKeyReference KeyVaultSecretReference KnownLinuxVirtualMachineImage KnownWindowsVirtualMachineImage LinuxConfiguration LinuxVM...
Nutzen Sie Azure VM Image Builder, um die Erstellung von VM-Images mit einem vollständig verwalteten Dienst zu optimieren, der die von Ihnen bevorzugten Tools unterstützt.
If the OS has been generalized/deprovisioned, the virtual machine must be shut down in order to capture it as a VM Image. Once the VM has been captured as a VM Image, the virtual machine will automatically be deleted. If the OS is specialized, the virtual machine can be captured while ...
ImageX 的功能 安裝Windows Vista 結論 檔案架構映像格式 在跟您討論 ImageX 前,我應該先說明一下它使用的映像格式: Microsoft Windows Imaging 格式 (WIM) 映像格式。WIM 映像格式使用的不是目前普遍使用的磁區架構映像格式,而是檔案架構的格式。由於使用檔案架構的映像格式,WIM 比起其他的格式有幾項優點: ...
Virtual Machines running Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter (smalldisk en-us, Zh-cn) with the June 2019 image may fail to install the July 9, 2019 security update. If you have existing Virtual Machines (VMs) running the June 2019 update that were installed prior ...
The Capture VM Image operation creates a copy of the operating system virtual hard disk (VHD) and all of the data VHDs that are associated with the Virtual Machine, saves the VHD copies in the same storage location as the original VHDs, and registers the copies as a VM Image in the ...
Creating a Virtual PC Image by Using Microsoft Virtual PC How to Install the MED-V Workspace .msi Package How to Run the Virtual Machine Prerequisites Tool How to Configure MED-V Virtual Machine Manual Installation Prerequisites Show 3 more ...