在windows平台上安装python c extension的扩展包是件很痛苦的事情,一般通过安装vc/vs系列来编译C扩展,不过安装包都比较大。或者通过mingw编译,不过有时会在兼容性上出现点问题。 有个好消息就是微软为Python提供了专用的编译器Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7(包含32位和64位) 下载地址:http://aka.m...
Visual Studio 2012 (VC++ 11.0) Update 4 (no longer supported) Show 5 more The Visual C++ Redistributable installs Microsoft C and C++ (MSVC) runtime libraries. Many applications built using Microsoft C and C++ tools require these libraries. If your app uses those libraries, a Microsoft Visual...
VCConfiguration2 VCConfiguration3 VCCustomBuildTool VCDebugSettings VCFile VCFileConfiguration VCFilter VCForeignReference VCFxCopTool VCFxCopTool2 VCLibrarianTool VCLinkerTool VCManagedResourceCompilerTool VCManifestTool VCMidlTool VCNMakeTool VCPlatform ...
VCConfiguration2 VCConfiguration3 Vccustombuildtool Vcdebugsettings Vcfile Vcfileconfiguration Vcfilter VCForeignReference Vcfxcoptool VCFxCopTool2 Vclibrariantool Vclinkertool Vcmanagedresourcecompilertool Vcmanifesttool Vcmidltool Vcnmaketool Vcplatform ...
VCDebugSettings VCFile VCFileConfiguration VCFilter VCForeignReference VCFxCopTool VCFxCopTool2 VCLibrarianTool VCLinkerTool VCManagedResourceCompilerTool VCManifestTool VCMidlTool VCNMakeTool VCPlatform VCPostBuildEventTool VCPreBuildEventTool VCPreLinkEventTool ...
Dit gesprek biedt uitgebreide inzichten in de details van het leveren van automatische parallelle uitvoering van ongewijzigde C++, scalaire optimalisatie voor adrescodegrootte in Windows en beveiligingsfuncties in de nieuwste generatie van de VC++-compiler. Ten slotte introduceert Jim enkele compiler...
Microsoft Visual C++ compiler versioning C++ conformance notes C++ conformance improvements in Visual Studio C++ conformance improvements in Visual Studio 2019 C++ conformance improvements in Visual Studio 2017 Microsoft C/C++ language conformance by Visual Studio version ...
File Name: readme.htm vc-compiler-kb2519277.exe File Size: 6.7 KB 121.0 MB KB Articles: KB2519277 安装此更新可恢复在安装 Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) 时可能删除的 Visual C++ 编译器和库。 编译器和库是 Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit for Windows 7 和 .NET Framework ...
When using the Windows SDK build environment, the native compilers will be the primary compiler used on any given computer, although the cross compilers are installed on all three platforms. During Windows SDK setup you may find that the VC++ compiler package is grayed out on the Windows SDK ...
| Version: 1 Date Published: 11/6/2012 File Name: vc_compilerCTPNov2012.exe Visual C++ Nov 2012 CTP Breaking changes.docx File Size: 10.5 MB 19.9 KB Visual C++ Compiler November 2012 CTP contains a preview release of the Visual C++ compiler that adds the the following C++11 features to...