User data folder cannot be created because a file with the same name already exists. Unable to create user data folder, Access Denied. 无论用户数据文件夹的位置是默认 UDF 位置还是自定义 UDF 位置,上述都是 true。 如果内存不足,或者 Microsoft Edge 运行时无法启动,或者找不到 WebView2 运行时,可能...
Clear all browsing data This method clears all the kinds of browsing data that are listed in the data kinds enumeration, regardless of when the data was created. It clears the data from the user data folder for the user profile on which the method is called. ...
FolderDescriptionACL \Programs Contains Windows Phone Store application code. \Users Contains default user account, built-in services, and public data folders. \SystemData Contains systemwide files, such as logs and Device Update. The data contained in this folder is not applicable to a particular...
確定Type = allow and Applies = This folder, subfolder, and files. 核取[讀取和執行]、[列出資料夾內容] 和 [讀取]。 核取[將所有子物件許可權取代為此物件中可繼承的許可權專案] 複選框。 選取[套用],然後選取 [確定]。 重複c:\Windows。
文件:C:\Users\<affectedUserFolder>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCacheLock.dat 文件夹:C:\Users\<affectedUserFolder>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache 备注 <affectedUserFolder> 是用户配置文件文件夹名称的占位符。 例如,对于管理员用户帐户,文件夹位于 C:\Users\Administrator 下。 必须删除计...
To back up Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server, ensure that you have a copy of theC:\Program Files\Multi-Factor Authentication Server\Datafolder including thePhoneFactor.pfdatafile. In case a restore is needed complete the following steps: ...
Welcome to the Microsoft Support Community Get answers from our community of experts. New to the Community?Learn more Didn’t find an answer? Ask a new question 2.5 million average daily visitors 6000 posts daily 2 hour average response time 330 million customers helped annually Browse products ...
登录、、 或 帐户。下载免费的桌面和移动应用,在一个位置关联你的所有电子邮件帐户(包括 Gmail、Yahoo 和 iCloud)。
PublicFolderLocations Exchange Online中的公用文件夹位置,这些文件夹位置包含在内容搜索中或在电子数据展示事例中处于保留状态。 查询 与活动关联的搜索查询,例如内容搜索或基于查询的保留。 RecordType 记录指示的操作类型。 值 18 表示与 电子数据展示 cmdlet 活动 部分中列出的活动相关的事件。 值 24 表示与 电...