本文提供有关尝试登录到 Microsoft Flow 时收到身份验证失败错误的问题的解决方法。 适用于:Power Automate 原始KB 数:4316891 现象 尝试登录到 Microsoft Flow 时,会收到身份验证失败错误消息,如下所示: 消息中的 URL 可能如下所示: https://flow.microsoft.com/AuthenticationFailed/?mess...
配置Microsoft 最前沿统一访问网关 2010 接受用户主体名称 (UPN) 登录。 通过一个存储库中的所有目录林中的域提供服务。 您尝试登录到统一访问网关入口从受信任的林中的域使用 UPN 格式。 在此方案中,您将收到"身份验证失败"错误消息。但是,如果使用 SAM 帐户名称格式指定您的登录凭据,您可以成功...
You configure Microsoft Forefront Unified Access Gateway 2010 to accept user principal name (UPN) logons. Domains from all forests are served by one repository. You try to log on to the Unified Access Gateway portal from a dom...
GetUserNameFailed HttpListenerError HttpStatusCodeNotOk HttpStatusNotFound InitializeProcessSecurityError IntegratedWindowsAuthenticationFailed IntegratedWindowsAuthNotSupportedForManagedUser InteractionRequired InternalError InvalidAdalCacheMultipleRTs InvalidAuthority InvalidAuthorityType InvalidAuthorizationUri InvalidClient Inva...
"Login failed for user '<user_name>'." Additional Error Information To increase security, the error message that is returned to the client deliberately hides the nature of the authentication error. However, in the SQL Server error log, a corresponding error contains an error state that maps to...
AADSTS50015ViralUserLegalAgeConsentRequiredState - 使用者需要法定年齡層同意。 AADSTS50017CertificateValidationFailed - 憑證驗證失敗,原因如下: 在受信任的憑證清單中找不到發行憑證 找不到預期的 CrlSegment 在受信任的憑證清單中找不到發行憑證 在設定差異 CRL 發佈點時未指定對應的 CRL 發佈點 ...
Authentication Server: NPS.hostname.eu Authentication Type: EAP EAP Type: - Account Session Identifier: - Logging Results: Accounting information was written to the local log file. Reason Code: 66 Reason: The user attempted to use an authentication method that is not enabled on the matching netw...
"Login failed for user '<user_name>'." Additional Error Information To increase security, the error message that is returned to the client deliberately hides the nature of the authentication error. However, in the SQL Server error log, a corresponding error contains an error state that maps to...
"Login failed for user '<user_name>'." Additional Error Information To increase security, the error message that is returned to the client deliberately hides the nature of the authentication error. However, in the SQL Server error log, a corresponding error contains an error state that maps to...
Spark pools have been unusable all morning. No way to contact support. Only redirected to FAQs, etc.. 429 is normally related to a rate limit exceeded. I...