Unified Communications Managed Service SoftwareOne Microsoft Teams 通话 Microsoft Teams 会议室 Microsoft Teams 会议 定价US$1 联系信息 概述其他信息 Keeping your people and customers connected with Unified Communications by SoftwareOne - Y...
UNC300-5 基于Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API 3.0 和 Microsoft Lync Server 的高级SIP解决方案 李大川 曹文齐 技术经理 技术经理 微软(中国)有限公司 UC Managed API 议程 • UCMA 3.0 – 新特性介绍 • UCMA 3.0 – 高级概览 • Demo: 多通道客户服务 • 要点 Unified Communications ...
感謝您下載 Unified Communications Managed API 4.0 Runtime 購物車 Microsoft 365 進階版 Office 應用程式、額外的雲端儲存空間、進階安全性等功能,全都在一個方便的訂閱中 適合1 人使用最多可供 6 人使用 如果您的下載並未在 30 秒後啟動,請 按一下這裡以手動下載...
Unified Communications Managed API 5.0 Runtime Unified Communications Managed API (UCMA) 5.0 is a managed-code platform that developers use to build applications that provide access to and control over Microsoft Enhanced Presence information, instant messaging, telephone and video calls, and audio/video...
Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API 5.0 enables developers to build applications that leverage the full power of the platform. Applications built on UCMA 5.0 incorporate unified communications concepts such as presence, call, conversation, and conference. ...
Unified Communications Managed API 2.0 核心运行时(64 位) 若要安装这些下载文件,请执行下列步骤: 单击**“下载”**,然后将 UcmaRuntimeWebDownloadX64.msi 程序文件保存到硬盘。 双击硬盘上的 UcmaRuntimeWebDownloadX64.msi 程序文件,将安装程序文件解压缩到可配置的位置。默认位置是下列文件夹: C:\Mic...
Introduction to the Unified Communications Managed API 3.0 In this lab, you will use the Microsoft Lync Server 2010 PowerShell cmdlets and the UCMA 3.0 SDK to create and provision a new UCMA 3.0 application endpoint, publish the application endpoint's presence, and learn about some of the bas...
Skype for Business App SDK Skype for Business Bot Framework (Preview) Trusted Application API Unified Communications Web API (UCWA) Skype for Business Uris Unified Communications Managed API (UCMA) Overview UCMA 5.0 general reference Overview
关于Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API 3.0开发的相关技术问题(UserEndpoint 、ApplicationEndpoint的区别是什么?) UserEndpoint和ApplicationEndpoint都可以用来做通讯,但是主要区别为: UserEndpoint代表一个Lync功能开启的AD用户,比如模拟桌面/网页客户端、自动电话应答机等。
A client platform can be used with a small number of user endpoints to test the functionality of an application to develop a custom desktop application that cannot be developed using Microsoft Unified Communications Client API or . A client platform can also be used with a large number of user...