Translator also supports industry-specific translationcustomizationusing Custom Translator. Key API Features Natively Neural –Use modern neural machine translation (NMT) as default for allsupported languages. NMT technology has transformed machine translation, providing major advances in translation quality over...
Text Translation Translator, part of Azure Cognitive Services, is a cloud-based machine translation service that can be used to build applications, websites, tools, or any solution requiring multi-language support. Built for business, Translator is a proven, customizable, and scalable technology fo...
Translator also supports industry-specific translationcustomizationusing Custom Translator. Key API Features Natively Neural –Use modern neural machine translation (NMT) as default for allsupported languages. NMT technology has transformed machine translation, providing major advances in translation quality over...
Translator also supports industry-specific translationcustomizationusing Custom Translator. Key API Features Natively Neural –Use modern neural machine translation (NMT) as default for allsupported languages. NMT technology has transformed machine translation, providing major advances in translation quality over...
Translator also supports industry-specific translationcustomizationusing Custom Translator. Key API Features Natively Neural –Use modern neural machine translation (NMT) as default for allsupported languages. NMT technology has transformed machine translation, providing major advances in translation quality over...!/default/post_TranslateArray 文档的上部分是准备部分: A2EB00F9-8F40-490A-BCA4-8484AD5ECA55.png 就是让你去订阅这个服务,然后会给你一个key,这个key是使用的这个服务的一个标示吧!看到这暂时不知道,接着看下面的文档。
翻譯文字。 使用雲端式、安全、高效能、可高度擴充的 Microsoft TranslatorText API 第 3 版來提出翻譯要求。 建立工作區 登入自訂翻譯工具之後,系統會要求您從 Microsoft 身分識別平台讀取設定檔的權限,以要求使用者存取權杖和重新整理權杖。 驗證需要這兩個權杖,以確保您不會在即時工作階段期間或定型模型...
To get an API key for Microsoft Translator, you need to create aTranslator resourceinAzure. Here are the steps to create a Translator resource and get an API key:
This article focuses on translating text from one language to another using the Translator Text API. Note If you don't have anAzure subscription, create afree accountbefore you begin. An API key must be obtained to use the Translator Text API. This can be obtained atHow to sign up for th...
Translator also supports industry-specific translationcustomizationusing Custom Translator. Key API Features Natively Neural –Use modern neural machine translation (NMT) as default for allsupported languages. NMT technology has transformed machine translation, providing major advances in translation quality over...