Microsoft recently released a new update for Microsoft Translator in Apple App Store. This update brings two new features. First, you can use new neural voice fonts to hear your translated text in the regional accent of your choice. Second, the new language selection allows you to see what f...
您可以在這裡( 深入了解 Microsoft 儲存空間配額。 ii.OneDrive 服務效能。根據各種因素例如您的設備、網際網路連線及 Microsoft 對維護其服務的效能和完整性所付出之心力,您有時可能會...
This summer we added regional accents to the Microsoft Translator app oniOSandAndroid. Known as Speech Regions, you can now select the accent of text-to-speech audio output you would like to hear while using the app. For instance, if you wanted to hear a translation into English you would...
Translator service adds text and document language support for the following languages: Bashkir. A Turkic language spoken by approximately 1.4 million native speakers. It has three regional language groups: Southern, Eastern, and Northwestern. Dhivehi. Also known as Maldivian, it's an Indo-Iranian...
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-RegionThe value is the region of the translator resource. Here's an example request to call the Translator using the regional translator resource curl // Pass secret key and region using headers curl -X POST "
(LUIS), Microsoft Genomics, Personalizer, Project Bonsai, QnA Maker, Speaker recognition, Speech to Text, Speech translation, Cognitive Service for Language, Text to Speech, Translator, Azure Metrics Advisor, Health Bot, Azure Percept, Azure Applied AI Services, Azure OpenAI Service Building an AI...
regional_internet_registry data.attributes.regional_internet_registry string Reputation data.attributes.reputation integer Tags data.attributes.tags string harmless data.attributes.total_votes.harmless integer malicious data.attributes.total_votes.malicious integer whois data.attributes.whois string wh...
Various Microsoft products will be updating their voice data controls and settings over the coming months, including Microsoft Translator, SwiftKey, Windows, Cortana, HoloLens, Mixed Reality, and Skype voice translation. In the interim, without your permiss...
In Machine Translation, select whether to allow machine translation on this target. Enabling this option means that users can request translation through the Microsoft Translator service. ClickContinue. In Page Update Behavior, select how you want existing pages to be updated when changes...
To store Professional Services Data in the EU Data Boundary for Azure, Customer must configure Azure Resource Manager to the EU Data Boundary as described in For Dynamics 365 and Power Platform, if ...