Download Microsoft Translator app on iOS or Android and start conversation. 2. ShareShare the conversation code with other participants, who can join using the Translator app or website. 3. SpeakSpeak or type to communicate in your own language. Your messages will be translated into recipient’...
Download the app on GitHubSpeech Translator Text translationSpeech translation Translate as you speak and show the translations in a subtitle window displayed on your screen. This sample application shows the use of near real-time translation and transcription. The source code for this sample app is...
Português Brasileiro Suomi العربية Български 中文(简体) 中文(繁體) Hrvatski Čeština Dansk Nederlands Eesti Français Deutsch Ελληνικά עברית Magyar Íslenska Italiano 日本語
10 当长框中显示:Windows10内部人员预览-生成 17127 后,我们点击:确认;11 在显示的 Select the product language(选择产品语言)栏中,我们选择:Chinese Simplified(简体中文},再点击:Confirm(确认);12 我们根据自己的需要,点击选择系统文件,64位系统选择:64 - bit Download(下载64位),32位系统选择...
How to open Translator in separate window: 1. Click on bottom right corner icon; 2. Hold Alt-key and click on bottom right corner icon. This method allow to setup shortcut on Desktop: Menu / More tools / Create shortcut ... You can translate UI on your language. Download list of ...
一次只能翻译前 5000 个字符 语气标准非正式正式 广泛使用的短语 Most popular Basics Social Travel Dining Emergency Dates & numbers Technology Hello Thank you Good morning How are you? Nice to meet you You are welcome Good bye Good night
我們已修正使用特定舊版 Windows 11 時,在 Excel 和 Project 中呈現的問題。 我們已修正 Office 呈現程式碼中意外停止回應的問題。OneNote我們已修正 Office 呈現程式碼中意外停止回應的問題。Outlook我們已修正會導致使用者看到「無法執行要求的作業...」錯誤的問題當嘗試展開本機連絡人群組時。 我們已修正即使具有...
Microsoft Translator: 使用Microsoft Translator 可將單字、片語或句子翻譯成另一種語言。 您可以從功能區中的 [校閱] 索引標籤使用此功能。 改善了對高解析度顯示器的支援:現在,如果您使用多部監視器或筆記型電腦基座,Office 應用程式在每個顯示器上都會順暢清晰地呈現,即使顯示器使用不同的縮放設定亦然。 深入了解...
Microsoft Translator for Education offers seamless classroom integration, helping to bridge communication gaps within presentations, browsing experiences, and casual conversations. Use Microsoft Translator in an educational presentation Use Microsoft Translator for the Edge browser Join multi-lingual...
Document Translator creates translated files in the same folder as the original, with a name like originalname.language.docx Can be used via command line or graphical user interface Usage Runs on Windows 7 and above. Requires .Net Framework 4.5. The Release is an MSI package, install directly...