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Reinstall has no effect. The steps suggested in the following article had no effect:https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-to-do/microsoft-to-do-not-working-on-mac-os/m-p/122... I will try the Web client now. Microsoft To Do for Mac OS 2.80 (posted 1w ago) on macOS 12.6...
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Don’t get me wrong: There is nothing wrong with WCF or the .NET Framework, but when you need something small and fast, it’s hard to beat C++ and native code. But you know that already! Figure 1 Comparing Client Working Set (Lower Is Better) The WWS runtime is packaged in Web...
En .NET Framework y .NET Core 1.0, puede cancelar las operaciones asincrónicas que no se han completado llamando al CancelAsync método . Si la BaseAddress propiedad no es una cadena vacía (""), address debe ser un URI relativo combinado con BaseAddress para formar el URI absoluto de...