iTunes 還會安裝名為 Outlook Change Notifier (Outlook 變更通知程式) 的增益集。 如果您使用的是 版,則此版中有數種造成 Outlook 無法順利關閉的問題,而導致 [自動完成] 無法正常運作。 將 iTunes 軟體更新為 或更新版就可解決 Outlook Change Notifier (Outlook 變更通知程式) 的問題。
步骤2:确保 Outlook 当前未处理大型或冗长进程 如果尝试同时删除或移动大量邮件,Outlook 可能会冻结,但实际上,它正在后台运行。 查看屏幕底部的状态栏。 如果 Outlook 同时在对数百或数千封邮件执行某些操作,则可能看起来处于卡住状态。 留给 Outlook 几分钟时间来完成此过程,随...
当预迁移自动发现服务器的名称缓存在注册表中的 Outlook 配置文件中时,会出现此问题。 解决方案 若要解决此问题,请使用以下任一方法。 方法1:使用ExcludeLastKnownGoodUrl阻止 Outlook 使用上一个已知良好的自动发现 URL 按如下所示配置以下注册表子项之一: ...
當您嘗試在 Microsoft 365 的 Outlook 中使用 Out of Office (OOF) 功能時,您會遇到下列徵兆: 無法儲存 OOF 訊息。 系統會傳送舊的或重複的 OOF 訊息。 即使您啟用 OOF 訊息,也不會傳送 OOF 訊息。 原因 這個問題是因為下列其中一個原因所造成:
We use optional cookies to improve your experience on our websites, such as through social media connections, and to display personalized advertising based on your online activity. If you reject optional cookies, only cookies necessary to provide you the services will be used. You may change your...
As To Do is able to link to Outlook (and Planner), this features shares categories which are set in Outlook with the To Do and Planner apps. Unfortunately my Mac 10.15.7 DOES NOT allow ToDo to connect to my Outlook (or Planner) so integrations between apps not supported. I cannot use...
疑问:换了新电脑后,安装了Outlook 2010,但是这个软件不能正常使用,打开Outlook后,只要一写邮件或者打开邮件,Outlook就弹出窗口说:“Microsoft Outlook has stopped working”,让联机检查问题所在或者重启程序,我试过卸载重装Outlook,问题依旧;新建了配置文件也不行。如何解决?
Adding information can unintentionally change or delete values and cause components to stop working correctly. If you do not trust the source of this information in C:Users<yourlogon>Desktop\regkey.reg, do not add it to the registry. Windows 7 Are you sure you want to add the information ...
Project indent not working I have a project running with a number of task sections with indents, one of these has stopped displaying the sections/ lines when i click on the triangle icon ( hope this makes sense) . All others are working. Is there an easy fix or would it be… ...
Why New Outlook rules work manually, but not automatically ? Sometimes Microsoft Outlook rules not working automatically even if they are created accurately. It happens when there is corruption either in the rules or within the mailbox. How to make MS Outlook rules run automatically ? Click the...