Microsoft To-Do is an intelligent task management app that makes it easy to plan and manage your day. Connect to Microsoft To-Do to manage your tasks from various services. You can perform actions such as creating tasks.This connector is available in the following products and regions:...
There was a bug where tasks with steps that had been created on iOS wouldn't show all of the tasks when viewed on Mac. That bug seems to have been fixed, so great job! Bulletwings,10/28/2023 So Frustrated with this App I have been using To Do for years. I used it when it was...
IT之家 11 月 16 日消息,微软“任务(Planner)”是一个轻量级、移动和基于 Web 的应用程序,适用于企业订阅的大多数 Office 365。 微软在 Ignite 2023 上正式推出了新版 Planner 应用,整合了 To Do 和经典 Planner,号称将 To Do 的便捷性、Planner 的协作性、Project for web 的强大功能以及 Microsoft Copilot...
刚刚下了这个应用,其他回答者所说的无法同步等问题统统不存在,我反而发现同步非常快,这个就是该应用的网页链接:Microsoft To-Do (微软待办) 很多回答者评论的时间已经过去好一阵子了,信息时代技术日新月异,微软也不会停滞不前的。这个应用虽然很不错,但还是无法替代滴答清单,主要是滴答清单有很好的闹铃提醒功能,很...
Minefields81,01/09/2023 Like it!! Using app every day, like it very much! Only thing that is very annoying - is that when I want to use voice dictation on my iwatch - I have to choose language every time because it doesn't remember my language choice! Can you fix it please?😅...
一旦安裝 Microsoft To Do,即表示您同意 Microsoft 使用條款: 新內容 2024年12月19日 版本2.137 We fixed some bugs to improve the app experience. App 隱私權 開發者「Microsoft Corporation」指出 App 的隱私權實務可能包含下方描述的資料處理。如需更多資訊,請...
Microsoft To Do 活动的审核事件需要付费Project 计划 1许可证 (或更高版本) ,以及相关的 Microsoft 365 许可证,其中包括审核 (Premium) 的权利。 展开表 友好名称操作说明 文件夹上的已接受共享链接 AcceptedSharingLinkOnFolder 文件夹的已接受共享链接。 已创建的附件 AttachmentCreated 已为任务创建附件。 附件...
同时你可以通过Microsoft To-Do将 Wunderlist、Todoist 里的数据同步过来,同时微软告诉我们“ 将列表和任务导入 To-Do 时,也可在其他 Microsoft 产品(例如 Exchange 和 Outlook 任务)中使用它们。”感觉日后的 To-Do 将会是一个强大的工具。对了,差点忘了说,Microsoft To-Do 安卓版不需要谷歌框架,同时没有付费的...
This laptop's unrivalled flexibility and AI features like Live Captions and Cocreator, enable you to do more than you ever imagined. Learn more End of featured products and announcements slideshow: navigate using the previous and next: navigate using the slide tabs section Choose your Microso...