Instructs to use technical terms carefully. Use them when they're the clearest way to communicate your message, but don't use them when an everyday term will do.
通过互动课程深入学习,赢得专业开发时间,获得认证并找到有助于实现目标的计划。 Microsoft Learn 博客 通过Microsoft Learn 社区获取有关学习内容和活动的最新更新、文章和资讯。 Virtual Training Days 利用免费的虚拟培训日,任何技能水平的参与者都可以通过这个涵盖广泛主题和技术领域的活动培养和提升技能。
Prompt users with actionable statements and buttons to guide the conversation. Offer suggestions when the bot is "confused" about what the user's request is. Pace the conversation carefully Break up messages into separate, readable blocks to make the pace of the conversation feel more natural. ...
Though the content for developers and IT professionals tends to be more technical than that for a general audience, the fundamentals of the Microsoft brand voice still apply. Be warm and relaxed, crisp and clear, and ready to lend a hand as appropriate for the context. After all, when they...
意見反應 Don't use as a verb. Use turn on to refer to turning on power to a device.In content for a technical audience, it's OK to use boot as an adjective, as in boot sector and boot sequence—but use startup instead if possible....
Localization Style Guides are collections of rules that define language and style conventions for specific languages. These rules usually include general localization guidelines, information on language style and usage in technical publications, and information on market - specific data formats.Afrikaans...
内容提示: editioneditionedition444MicrosoftManual of StyleYour everyday guide to usage, terminology, andstyle for professional technical communications®Microsoft Manual of Style®The ideal reference for➜ Writers➜ Editors➜ Content creators ➜ Content managersGet incisive coverage on➜ Industry ...
How Do I: Change the Visual Style of the Web Page using the WebMatrix tool? Location Aware Include TechNet How Do I: Use the Layout Features in WebMatrix? RampUp - Exchange2010 Deep Technical Overview Part One Script Junkie | Using the Dojo Toolkit with Microsoft’s WCF TechEd Keynote 201...
Localization Style Guides are collections of rules that define language and style conventions for specific languages. These rules usually include general localization guidelines, information on language style and usage in technical publications, and information on market - specific data formats. ...
The term "IC:" before the certification/registration number only signifies that the Industry Canada technical specifications were met. For Bluetooth and 2 .4 GHz devices only: To comply with FCC RF exposure requirements, a separation distance of at least 20 cm must be maintained between the ...