语音邮件是一种熟悉的工具,可用于充分利用 Teams 中的通话体验。 若要访问语音邮件,请转到“呼叫 >历史记录”,然后选择“语音邮件”。 将鼠标悬停在语音邮件上并选择“呼叫 ”或选择“ 更多操作”并选择“回拨 ”来回拨某人。 选择语音邮件时,可以查看和访问详细信息和其他信息,所有这些信息都位于 Teams 的右侧。
瞭解如何在 teams Microsoft設定通話佇列。 通話佇列提供問候語訊息、按住音樂、重新導向通話,以及其他功能。
Microsoft Teams Teams 支援下列語言的語音信箱問候語。 展開表格 語言國家/地區標識碼可供用戶在電子郵件中查看嗎?用戶撥入電話時可以使用嗎?可以使用轉譯嗎? 阿拉伯文埃及ar-EG是是否 阿拉伯文沙烏地阿拉伯ar-SA是的,但使用阿拉伯文 (埃及) 。否否
如果设置为 -AllowVoicemailAlwaysEnabled,则无论用户的呼叫转接设置如何,呼叫始终在响铃 30 秒后在未接听的情况下转发到语音邮件。 如果设置为 -AllowVoicemailAlwaysDisabled,则无论用户的呼叫转接或未接听的设置如何,呼叫都不会路由到语音邮件。 在 Teams 中,语音邮件不可用作呼叫转接或未接听设置。 如果设置为 -...
One suggestion to help manage this would be to allow reactions or emojis on call/voicemails. So people can show, Hey such & such has reacted: :wrench: and is working onthis voicemail :white_heavy_check_mark: and has actioned this voicemail george_devineApr 04, 2023Place Microsoft Teams...
Is there a way to change the voice for auto attendant or voicemail text to speech? The AA uses a male voice where the VM uses a female voice. I'd like to use the same voice for both text to speech services. Administrator Calling Messaging microsoft teams Like 0 Reply AndresGorzelany...
In Microsoft Teams for work or school, you can customize your call settings to manage delegates, set voicemail messages, and more. To learn more about managing call settings in Teams (free), seeCalls and meetings in Microsoft Teams (free). ...
Voicemail messages generated by Cloud Voicemail are delivered to and stored in the user's Exchange mailbox, either in Exchange Online or in Exchange Server. There's no specific or additional storage for voicemail. The clients that access voicemail (for example, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Teams,...
pauseVoicemail - 已在語音信箱專案上點選 [暫停]。 peoplePickerDismissed - 表示已關閉人員選擇器。 peoplePickerInvoked - 在 Teams 行動裝置中的七個位置使用 [人員選擇器],包括 (但不限於): 新增聊天選擇器。 轉寄訊息。 將參與者新增至會議。 personalAppNavBotChat - 瀏覽至個人應用程式中的機器人。 pers...
When a new text message arrives in your Toky app, it will promptly send a channel message in your Microsoft Teams app. This efficient process ensures that no important communications go unnoticed and promotes rapid response times within your team. Get crucial information where it needs...