加入Teams 会议或通话时,可通过多种方式自定义视频体验。 可以添加自定义背景、更改屏幕上显示的视频布局等。 方法如下。
注意:目前,此选项不适用于从 Teams 会议室设备加入会议的组织者和演示者。 禁用所有与会者麦克风或相机 在会议控件中,选择“更多操作” >“设置” >“会议选项” 。 选择“音频 & 视频”。 关闭“允许与会者使用麦克风”或“允许与会者使用摄像头”开关。
Working together is easier with Microsoft Teams. Tools and files are always available in one place that's designed to help you connect naturally, stay organized, and bring ideas to life.
摘自:Jimmy HangContributor https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/enabling-remote-work-blog/managing-your-audio-amp-video-settings-in-microsoft-teams/ba-p/1236387
To turn your video on and off during a meeting, selectCamera in the meeting controls. Note:To enable your camera to turn off when your screen locks during a meeting, go toSettings and more >Settings >Privacy in Teams. Then, turn theTurn off my camera and mic when my screen locks...
<Settings> <Video> 控制Surface Hub 上 Teams 的視訊設定。 default 決定會議開始時相機會在哪個裝置上使用。 為獲得最佳體驗,建議您在所有其他裝置都設false為時,只設定 true Teams 會議室 裝置。公認的值: truefalse enabled 判斷會議中的參與者是否可以開啟或關閉相機。 您可以將此設定在 true 活動參與者想要...
Manage your microphone, camera, and other device settings in Microsoft Teams. Sign in to Teams on your desktop and selectSettings and more . SelectSettings >Devices . FromDevices, you can: SelectManage devicesto connect Bluetooth-enabled Teams ...
Microsoft Teams 面板是壓縮的數字顯示設備,安裝在會議空間外,通常位於進入旁邊。 這些觸控螢幕面板是專屬的 Microsoft Teams 裝置,可讓您快速檢視會議空間和排定的會議。 使用生動的色彩編碼 LED 和主畫面指示器,您可以判斷空間是否可供使用或從遠處保留。 您可以使用Teams面板,現場為臨時會議保留可用的會議空間。
Working together is easier with Microsoft Teams. Tools and files are always available in one place that's designed to help you connect naturally, stay organized, and bring ideas to life.
Working together is easier with Microsoft Teams. Tools and files are always available in one place that's designed to help you connect naturally, stay organized, and bring ideas to life.