Bring friends and family together with video conferencing in Teams Stay connected to people even when you’re apart. Get together virtually—anytime and anywhere—with a video conference. Have fun with Together mode Host your video conference in a virtual shared space. Choose from environments such...
使用Microsoft Teams 随时随地安全地举行会议、协作和办公。 通过混合会议实现灵活办公 通过Teams 中的视频会议,随时随地工作并在工作流中协作。 自信演示 通过Teams 中的视频会议,将身处各地的人们以面对面的在线方式召集在一起协同工作。 集思广益并以直观方式协作 ...
使用Microsoft Teams 更輕鬆地共同合作。可隨時隨地在同一個位置使用工具和檔案,其設計旨在協助您以自然的方式連線、保持井然有序並讓構想實現。
雲端視訊 Interop (CVI) 是Microsoft合格的第三方解決方案,可讓第三方 SIP 和 H.323 視訊室裝置 (VTC) 加入 Microsoft Teams 會議。 身為系統管理員,您可以為組織設定 CVI。透過Microsoft Teams,您可以在會議中獲得豐富的在線內容共同作業,包括音訊、視訊和內容共用。 您可以透過桌面和 Web 用戶端,以及透過許多以...
You can share files outside of the Teams app then use the video conferencing program for a quick check-in. But it is also a great tool for team-building exercises and important conference calls. Microsoft Teams requires you to have an Office 365 subscription, and some tools, like call-in...
Manage compliance and data loss risk for Microsoft Teams Meetings- including screen and file shares, voice, video conferences, live events, and more.
Organizations can conveniently convert this space into a Microsoft Teams video Conference room. Sample: Modern Teams room for the medium size room Some of my personal suggested Teams room devices for medium-sized rooms which will blend perfectly in and be modest and reliable to se...
Microsoft Teams live events help your organization reach a large online audience. Microsoft’s video conferencing technology is a great tool for companies seeking to sell, market, or communicate across the miles to a widespread group of attendees.
Microsoft has trained artificial intelligence software to filter out any noise on your end of the conference call that isn't your voice—so you can keep snacking in peace. The feature will come to Microsoft Teams later this year. In the meantime, remember to turn your microphone off if you...
云视频互操作 (CVI) 是一种Microsoft合格的第三方解决方案,使第三方 SIP 和 H.323 视频室设备 (VTC) 加入Microsoft Teams 会议。 作为管理员,你可以为组织设置 CVI。 借助Microsoft Teams,你可以在会议中获得丰富的在线内容协作,包括音频、视频和内容共享。 可以通过桌面和 Web 客户端以及许多与 Microsoft Teams ...